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N: The picture at the top or the side is Darren.

Vikki's POV:

I was upset with Emily's father and sister, how could they show up late to our graduation! At least they showed up. My prick of a boyfriend always ruins stuff for me he came over to me at the grad and said that I didnt call him last night and that I was a lying ugly bitch which wasn't really nice but I pushed that aside I wanted to be happy for em today.

She looked so beautiful and her speech was amazing luckily Ryan filmed for Becca and her father, I just can't believe they missed that.

After the grad everyone went to back to our house. I decided to go to a party with my close friend Darren like I always do. I didnt want to be around Drew knowing him I would get hit again but I guess he had a bad day again.

My phone buzzes when I get home and it says that Darren is outside, I quickly changed into flats and walk down the steps in the front of the house. I hear Becca open the door and i roll my eyes. "hey vik where you going."

I plaster a fake smile I was still upset. "to a club..." And I ignore what she says and hop in my friends BMW.

Darren smiles at me. "hey V what was that all about" I stare into my friends grey eyes "no idea man!" I chuckle and move my blue/black hair to the side of my face. Darren licks his plump red lips that I noticed a piercing.

"no fucking way! You got a lip piercing! Thats sick man I wish you took me!" I was so pumped it was so fucking awesome.

He snorts "chill V chill! Haha hows drew doing?" I cringe at the name and stare out my window

"he is fucking bad! You should have heard what he said to me today!" I scrunch my nose "he is so mean some times" I whine.

"I want to beat the guy up V" he growls angrily. His voice was so deep I still couldn't believe

I've liked Darren more then a friend recently but I know it wouldn't work out between us so I have kept it a secret.

Darren blasts metal and he starts to bob his head. I roll my eyes and shove his shoulder "any louder dude!" I shout trying to carry my voice over. He smirks at me and shoves my face away. I pout and turn the radio off.

Then I realize we were still sitting in my drive way. " alright lets get a move on turtle! Were going to die if we don't" I groan and he chuckles and rolls his eyes and flicks my forehead and groan and rub the sore spot.

He puts his key in the ignition and the car roars to life and he puts it in reverse and we drive down our street.

He speeds down the road and I was so used to it because I hang out with him all the time like every day. He puts the radio on again but lowly this time and we stop at a red light. "so V whats going on in that pretty little head of yours? Your never this quiet" I blush but shake my head.

"nothing Darren I'm fine, dont worry mate" I say in a Irish accent cause why not. He throws his head back and a loud beautiful laugh escapes him. "dont. Ever. Do. That. Again" he laughs hard and i roll my eyes.

He wipes tears off his face and he speeds down the road and cuts a red light. "your a beast at driving did you know that bud?" I say with a quiet and weird voice he glares at me "V stop with that voice you know I hate that one..its freaky"

I laugh quietly and high pitch. He shakes his head with disappointment. "oh boo! Dont be sad now I was just playing" he smirks and looks at me from the corner of his eyes. "oh I know I was just doing that so you would apologize." He shrugs and I scuff "wow."

We start getting closer to the club and hear loud obnoxious pop music.

"tonight I'm going to get laid!" He shouts out his window like a child. I laugh "Darren no you aren't you have to drive me home" he grunts and hits his wheel "of course I do" he says sarcastically and makes a U turn and I shit my dress.

We go in the club and we finally go inside. The loud music was bursting my ear drums and there was body's grinding on each other. The air was suffocating and it was so misty and hot. Darren un buttons his black button up shirt at the top revealing sone tats.

"ill get us drinks go sit at that booth. Do not dance with out me V" and he stalks off in the direction of the bar. I make my way to a big booth in the back of the club. It smelt like sweat and alcohol and I wanted to gag.

I see Darren coming my way with a tray of shots. He sets it down on the table in front of me "this is for your graduation V so get three I get four cause I'm a man"

I shake my head "no I get four cause its my special day batch" he tsks up nods "fine" I lift one shot up and gulp it down. The burn was horrid and it tasted like crap but I down the second.

"woah woah take it slow V that could scratch your voice up" I give him the finger and smile and down the third. "well Darren have yours...ill let you have four cause I'm a lady with care" I felt the buzz already wtf is this shit.

He sighs and sit beside me and downs the four in a second. "wow fuck thats strong..lets go dance now" and I nod eagerly "lets go."

We both push our way through the crowd and we start dancing like weirdos until there was a random slow song...isnt this a fucking club jeez.

We press together and and we start to slow dance and it was really awkward at first until I felt my mind start to buzz and everything was moving. What was in those drinks? To answer my question Darren spoke "I put ecstasy in our shots..just to lighten our moods" all I do is laugh.

" no wonder I feel fucking high as fuck." I say and we start to dance to other fast songs.

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