Jim's POV

Toby, Y/n, and I are at the museum and we are at one of the windows and we put our bikes down and take our helmets off then I jump through the window as I say "Good, Blinky left the window open. I hope he took care of the cameras." Then Y/n jumps through and lands next to me and sneakily side hugs me then my face feels extremely hot as I look at her flustered then Toby gets stuck (again bro lose some weight please I would appreciate it so then you would fit through the window! Not trying to be rude but dude! Seriously!) then he says "Oh, geez. It's true. You always return to the scene of the crime." Then Toby get through as I offer my hand to help him (Finally!) then he screams as he hits the floor then he gets up and says "They try to rehabilitate us, but the big house only made us better criminals." Then Y/n says "no it didn't it only taught us not to break in and fight a certain Changeling on our own without backup, Toby." Then I whisper "The goblins are all gone." Then we hear Vendel say "ridiculous garment." Then we head in the direction of his voice and we see Vendel, Arrrggghhh, and Blinky as he notices us then turns to us as we run in the hall to them then he says "You're late."  Then Toby says "Sorry. Draal and Falaria were Training Jim and Y/n." Then Y/n hits Toby in the stomach and Toby grunts as Arrrggghhh says "Draal? Falaria?" Then Blinky says "Training?" Then Y/n says "Yeah, they sorta made homes in our basements to look out for the place." Then Blinky says "Of course. When a Troll is defeated in combat, it's completely natural for them to take refuge in the victor's domicile." Then I say "so, you understand?" Then Blinky says "I understand such an arrangement could only end in disaster. Utter disaster!" Then Vendel says "Are we simply waiting here to be discovered? Or were you planning on showing me this thing you two believe to be the Killahead Bridge?" Then Y/n bows in front of Vendel and says "We shall show you Killahead Bridge, Great Vendel." Then Blinky laughs as he says "The Trollhunters were just about to show us the way." Then as we walk the way we took last time Toby, Y/n, and I describe what happened that night and I open a door as I say "And we were chasing away the goblin pack, we ran past this closed exhibit, and there it was: the Killahead Bridge." Then I pull back the blankets and as Toby, Y/n and I walk towards the Bridge we hear Blinky gasp then we see Blinky and Vendel share a look then we all pick up the Tarp covering the Bridge and grunt as we try to pull it off then Arrrggghhh comes up behind us and moves us out of the way as he says "Me." The he pulls the tarp off what we think is the Bridge and it reveals a large boat then Y/n gasps as I say "Oh, no." Then Vendel says "That is not a bridge." Then Y/n says "But it was right here!" Then Jim says "You saw it, Tobes. You took a picture of it!" Then Toby says "It was, eh... it was out of focus, and I did forget to turn on the flash. We were running so fast. We were being chased, you know? Maybe we only thought we saw it." Then Vendel turns his back to us and walks away as he says "Blinkous Galadrigal, I've not left the house Heartstone in a century. I only did so tonight because of the grave peril the Killahead bridge represents. For you to invoke that danger without just cause—" then Blinky interrupts Vendel and uttered "If master Jim says it's so—" then Vendel interrupts him and says angrily "You will be only too quick to believe him. You've never met a conspiracy theory you didn't like." Then Blinky says "I hate conspiracies. That is why I am dedicated to rooting them out." Then Vendel bellows "Like you rooted out the plot to rid Trollmarket of all its cat meat?" Then Blinky protests saying "that was a misunderstanding." Then Vendel says "Or the time you were convinced we were infested with flea Trolls?" Then Blinky interjects "Precaution is the soul of virtue." Then Vendel shouts "Everyone in Trollmarket thinks you're paranoid." Then Blinky starts to get angry as he shouts at the top of his lungs "If it's everyone, it must be a conspiracy!" Then Vendel sighs as he says "It would seem your pupils are desperate to play the hero, while you are desperate to see danger where none exists."  Then Vendel steps right in front of Blinky with his face in Blinky's as he commands "Aaarrrggghhh, take me home." Then Arrrggghhh groans as he does what he's told then Toby looks at me and Y/n as he chuckles ackwardly as he walks away with Aaarrrgghh then I sadly say just above a whisper "it was right here." Then Blinky walks over to us and states "perhaps Vendel's right. Perhaps I have flooded your imagination with flights of fancy." Then he looks at us then he looks down at the floor in front of him and groans as he exclaims "I blame myself." Then Y/n says "Not you, Blinky. You have to believe us." Then I say "We know what we saw." Then Blinky turns to us and sighs as he says "You worry about your studies. I'll worry about this." Then I slightly smile in a reassuring way then once we get back to Jim's house Jim and Draal train Falaria and I are inside as we have small talk I ask "would you like me to train you to increase your speed?" Then Falaria stops mid sentence and hesitates but as I watch her expression curiously I see a smile graced her lips as she exclaims "I would be honored." Then I smile as I nod then I exclaim "we should probably finish training with Jim and Draal." Then she nods as we walk out and train with the last remnant of night left and I get home get ready for school as I think about why Falaria hesitated...

"You are my one and only" Troll Jim x hybrid princess reader Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя