He's not a prize to be won

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You geared up, leaving Loki in bed and Bucky in the gym with Sam. You had unfinished business with a certain blonde bitch, and that's all that you could focus on. You text Bucky letting him know you were going for a run.

Bucky: Stay safe. Love you doll.

Y/N: Love you too.

You didn't see him coming back from a run with Sam as you left the compound, but they saw you.
"Who goes for a run in full tactical gear?" Sam asked Bucky. The question was answered for him when you climbed into your car. "They don't." Bucky grumbled, pulling out his phone he pulled up the gps tracker on your phone, sighing with relief that you hadn't turned it off.

"Want some back up?" Sam already knew Bucky was about to go after you. They headed inside ready to suit up and go see what the hell you were up to.

Bucky headed to his room to get his weapons, he needed to find Loki but he didn't have time. Steve caught him on his way out. "Everything alright pal?"
Bucky nodded his head. "Yeah, Y/N is up to something. Can you find Loki and let him know?"
Steve nodded and headed off to find him while Bucky headed out, finding Sam on his way.

You had just parked your car, making sure your whip from Shuri was secure around your wrist. You placed your daggers in their place on your thighs and headed out. Half way through the abandoned building your head snapped back to the sound of someone behind you. Dagger in hand you spun round, stopping yourself just in time. "Buck?"
Him and Sam walked towards you, Bucky wasn't happy, you could tell from the look on his face. "What the hell are you doing doll?" You shrugged your shoulders, before you could respond you heard your name being shouted.

Sharon appeared round the corner, pulling her hood from her head as she aimed her gun at you. "Time's up!" The frustration was obvious as she glared at you.
Bucky came to your left and Sam on your right. "Sharon? Why?" Bucky tried to take her attention away from you.

She took a step towards you all, her gun still trained on you, as she spoke to Bucky. "After everything I did to ensure Steve found you. Then there was the kiss, that was a plan years in the making and I almost had what I wanted. You." She looked at Bucky. "You were supposed to be mine!"

Hearing her call him hers had your powers begging to be let free. "He's not a prize to be won!" You growled at her. You attempted to take a step towards her, the anger over everything she'd done was starting to get the better of you. Bucky placed his hand on your arm, a subtle shake of his head stopped you. For now.

"The sceptre is gone Sharon." You were hoping Thor had taken it back to Asgard at this point. "Just put the gun down." You we're willing to give her this one chance, one chance to walk away, not unharmed but alive.

She simply smiled at you, the sort of smile that would intimidate most people, but not you. You'd taken on worse than her and won. "Then get it back. Or do you want the world to know what you've done?"

Bucky seemed to notice something you didn't. "You're stalling." You looked at him before looking back at Sharon, her face paled. "And why would I be doing that?" Her voice weaker than it was before.
A lightbulb clicked in your head as you smiled at her. "Because you have no way of proving it. Nick made sure of that didn't he." All the stress and worry you'd been holding on to melted away.
The day you'd agreed to join S.H.I.E.L.D. with Bucky, Nick had told you he'd wiped your record clean, no one would ever know what you'd done. A conversation you'd completely forgotten about, until that moment.

Apparently being called out on her shit was not going to get Sharon to lower her gun. Shakily she focused her attention on you. "You think you have all the answers don't you."
You couldn't help the laugh that escaped your lips. "No I don't. Just the ones you don't like."

Complicated (Reader Avengers Romance)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu