Landing In The Spring Biome.

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Heyami's POV.

I sighed, up in the afterlife was a bit boring, hello my names Heyami Venus and I'm the goddess of beauty and love. Everyone seems to love me for being beautiful and giving them the feelings of love. I've never found anyone up in the afterlife interesting since everyone would do what I ask and not what I want.

"Hey Heyami, the blood gods demand of you".

I turned around to find the goddess of spring herself Persephone. We are good friends, even though we are different from one another but we are still good friends. I nodded as I smiled gently.

"Okay thanks Sephie".

I called her by her nickname as she nodded, I left her to find the blood gods in their temple. The blood gods are the ones who really run the afterlife, they are way above every gods or goddess with a title. Except for Zeus or God himself, the blood gods are equally fair but firm if things get out of hand. For me, I guess I'm their favourite goddess since I always come here more than anyone ever has.

I made it to their temple as I hesitantly entered through the entrance since sometimes the blood gods get really scary, depending on their mood.

"Uhm hello blood gods, what do you request me to do?".

I asked softly as the blood gods attention are now on me, they are basically one god sharing the same body. Except their voices are in whispers and speaking at different times and their mouth doesn't open, it just stays closed.



"Hey Heyami".

"We need you for something".

They greeted me as I smiled gently, they are one of the few gods that aren't interested in my beauty, which is surprising at first but I didnt care much about it.

"Okay what do you need me for?".

"Our champion".

"Our champion deserves you".

"We need blood".

"He gives us blood for us".

I looked at the god in surprise, that's a new one for them telling me that I am a gift for this champion of theirs.

"Okay, what's his name?".

"Blood king".

"We are his masters".

"He serves us".


I nodded, they then used their magic and teleported me down to the mortal world. My appearance and clothing hasn't changed but my halo and wings are gone from the mortal eye can see.

I sat up in the middle of the spring field or the spring biome as people called it down here. Around me are green grass, flowers and a couple of trees all around me. I could spot a few orchids near but I'm not worried about that now. I spotted bees, horses, parrots, cows and sheep all around the large biome.

"Hmm, the question is what does Technoblade look like?".

I asked myself as I noticed a bee come up to my hair to try and extract pollen out of my orchid. I giggled as I let the bee extract the pollen.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt if I stayed here, do you guys mind if I stay here?, I'll try not to hurt you".

I spoke to the bee as the bee buzzed in acceptance. I smiled as I started to collect the materials for my house I'm building.

Once I was done building my home, it wasn't that bad if I'm going to be honest.

Once I was done building my home, it wasn't that bad if I'm going to be honest

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(Image isn't owned by me and imagine the house being a medium sized house).

I grinned at the progress I've made, I have powers to make more materials for my house so I didn't need to do much of crafting other than collect the materials.

"Home sweet home".

I chirped as I started to place a few bee hives on the trees nearby, welcoming bees who want to live here. I tamed a few birds and let them live in the overgrown strong vines on my house that can hide and hold them. I went inside my home, my home has a living room, a bedroom and a kitchen. It is filled with plants on the inside as windows are also inside my home.

I walked straight to my bedroom, my bed room had a bed, a desk with plants, draws and closets with plants on top. I crash landed on the bed as I huffed, the sun is nearly setting, I was ready to go to sleep until I heard footsteps outside my house. I stood up and looked outside my window to see a half enderman, half person but I can confirm to be male, limping to my house while clutching their side.

I quickly rushed outside to aid the poor guy, he collapsed on the floor as I made it infront of him.

"Are you alright sir?".

He didn't respond, I lifted him up by wrapping his arm around my neck as I carried him to the inside of my house. I dropped him off on my couch as I found a nasty wound underneath the right side of his arm. I inhaled as I focused my magic on healing his wound, which took a few minutes. Afterwards I was done healing him and then he just drifted off to sleep, I sighed in relief as I let him sleep. I made him look comfortable as I left him to sleep, I went to my room to also go to sleep since today is a bit of a long day.

She's My Goddess (Yandere Technoblade x goddess OC/(Y/N) ) (COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now