Light Yagami/Sachiko Yagami

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Last night had been pretty fun. Ryuzaki and I had been talking for hours; I haven't had a conversation like that in a while, but that kiss.. I'm still thinking about it. I don't remember much from how I got home.. wait, where the hell am I? I shot open my eyes and they darted around the room for a couple of seconds.

Where am I?!

I got out of the white cotton bed I don't remember getting into and started walking around. I exited the room I was in and was shocked to see such a nice spectacle. This residence had white glistening marble walls with perfectly polished dark grey tile floors.

Wait, is this Ryuzaki's home?

That could be a possibility, really. I'd never been here before, and I don't remember coming. He must've carried me home. Ugh.. stop, me, this isn't fair. To my surprise, Ryuzaki was sitting behind a computer, who had notified me about his presence by sniffling.  I seriously didn't notice him until just now? Wow.

"Good morning," he greeted me.
"Hey.. how did I get here, and is this your apartment? It's really nice," I asked, while handing him a sly compliment.
"No, I'm just staying here for now, and you fell asleep at the shop, so I took you here since I do not know where you live."
"Oh, thank you. I wouldn't be able to come home anyway," after saying that, I subconsciously covered my mouth with my palm, expressing that what I'd just said was an accident.

"What do you mean?" He asked me. Shit, I shouldn't said that! Now he's going to ask me all kinds of questions.
"Uhm, well, my house is under renovation, and nobody can enter right now," I tried to play it off, failing because of how off guard I felt.
"I can tell, you're lying.." he sent me a smirk, which made me feel a certain way, I can't describe it.. but the main worry is that he's uncovering my lie!
"Listen, I really don't want to drag you into my mess of a family, but thank you for helping me," I thanked him, and I started to gather my things, which he'd left on the wooden island in the fully polished kitchen. This place really is nice.. but I have to leave.

"Hey, wait," he shouted out to me. I turned my head around to face him, and he looked me in the eyes. My face heated at his gaze on me.
"Yes?" I asked him. He stood up from his odd position and walked over to me. He kissed my cheek, slowly and sweetly. My face reddened, I looked like a fresh strawberry off the vine.
"Let's meet again sometime soon, okay?" I nodded, still love-struck.

I started walking back to the sweet shop because from there, I could find my way home. Oh my god, home! My father! He is going to rip my head clean off my body! He'll disown me! He's going to flip out, and I'm going to die. I need an excuse, fast.
Sachiko Yagami

That damn boy. I can't believe we're not looking for him, just expecting him to come home while I'm worried sick. I cannot believe he's done this, Soichiro is going to lose his mind when he gets back, if he gets back. God, I can't afford to think like that right now! While we were waiting, we heard the doorknob struggling to open. My eyes widened as I scurried over to the door. I opened it to see an non-injured Light!

I embraced him tight and welcomed him home, almost letting tears fall out of my eyes. Though I was filled with joy at the sight of my son's return, I wondered out Soichiro would react..

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