L Lawliet

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(598 words)

Light broke away from me, looking confused, flustered and.. disgusted.
"This is.. so wrong," he confessed with obvious guilt masked in his words.
"And who told you that?" I asked him.
"My parents, they tell me it's wrong," TRUTH, "and I know it's wrong.." OPINION. He blushed and looked away.

I'm assuming his parents are homophobes; pretty bad ones too since they've openly talked about it with him. He seems they've got him tangled in this idea that homosexuality is so terrible.
"It's not as bad as you think," I reassure him.
"Are you.. gay?" He asked me, acting as if he'd just said a "bad word."
"No comment," I replied, not giving him much information other than my kiss towards him.

"Are you gay, Light?" I asked him, looking him right in his eye, flirtatiously. He once again got embarrassed. It seemed like this guy had lacked a social life so badly that he didn't know what flirting was or how to deal with it, which is surprising knowing how attractive he is.
"No comment," he said, slightly smirking, as if he'd won, played me at my own game. I let out a soft chuckle. Me and this boy had some strange unknown connection that kept us talking for hours.

I had realized that the night had flown by right before my eyes when I checked my wrist-watch. It was 6 AM, but at least it was a weekend now so this would negatively affect Light's school schedule, if he had one, at least. He'd fallen asleep on the coffee tables, so I began working on my case again. After it was about 7 AM, I decided that it was time to head back to my hotel room.

I gathered my things and was about to walk out before I realized that I'd left the brunette boy all by himself. I was conflicted. Should I take him home with me? I could take him home with me, but that'd just cause trouble. I'm always changing apartments and hotel rooms, so it certainly couldn't be that risky, right? I walked over to our spot and lifted him up off of his chair.

Wait, I barely know this guy. He could be a criminal trying to find out my identity. He could even be working for.. no that wouldn't happen. I should do a background check on him.

I temporarily laid him down onto the booth and got out my computer. I need to know his full name.. I'll check his wallet, though I know what I'm doing isn't appropriate. Light Yagami, his drivers license read. Heh, that name is funny if you read it backwards. I entered it into the private system I had set up for this exact purpose, background checking, and waited for the results.

His name and face popped up with very little information. I guess this guy had no mal intentions, but it did say one thing that was quite notable. His father had a criminal background of assault and went to a low security prison for 4 months. I wonder if these past behaviors affect Light's every day life.

I re-lifted him off of the booth and began carrying him to the hotel. Since it was 7 AM on a Saturday, there weren't many people walking about, so we didn't have to worry about unwanted interactions with others. I thought for a bit about where he would sleep. My hotel room has one bed and one bathroom.. but I laid him onto my bed to sleep.

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