Everyone got ready and began their way to the station as JJ was the one who greeted them as the Chief walked over

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Everyone got ready and began their way to the station as JJ was the one who greeted them as the Chief walked over. Derek had a grip on Daisy as she was really tired and was falling asleep. Jemma had her arm wrapped around Spencer's arm, not wanting to get lost. Melinda looked around her surroundings and then looked at the man in front of them. "Hi I'm Agent Jennifer Jareau, but you can call me JJ. This is the BAU team, Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, and Spencer Reid. Then these three beautiful ladies are from SHIELD. Agents Jemma Simmons, Melinda May, and Daisy Johnson." JJ introduced everyone, while the chief looked at the three women of SHIELD as Daisy and Jemma were whispering amongst themselves and Melinda was reading through a file. He frowned at them not understanding how these three were here, "How are you all women of SHIELD?" Melinda raised her head from the file, as everybody watched what was going on and Daisy stared at him, as Jemma felt like she was stabbed with a knife. Aaron walked over to Melinda and placed his hand on her shoulder. Melinda glared at the chief and shook her boyfriend's hand off her shoulder, "Excuse me?" The Chief looked at her unfazed by who they are, "It just seems weird that all three of you are a part of SHIELD, yet none of you look like you are qualified for the job. You look way too old." Chief pointed to Melinda, who glared at him again, then looked at Jemma, "She looks too young." Chief then turned to Daisy, "She looks like she is not qualified." The three women looked at him with threatening looks at what he said to them. The team watched on as Aaron tried to direct Melinda back to him, Derek grabbed Daisy's arm, and Spencer placed a hand on Jemma's back. It worked for trying to stop Jemma and Daisy, but not for Melinda as she stood up and pointed at him. "Okay, stop right there. If you think that you can come at us, then you're wrong. We are here to help you with a case you couldn't solve on your own. I don't know if you're sexist or something but you don't get to say things like that to women that are above you. Daisy is qualified and has superpowers, Jemma is a young scientist with PhDs in Biology and Chemistry, and I am a pilot and fighter and have been for many years. You can say bad things to me, but if I hear you talk bad about anyone on my team, you are going to wish you didn't say what you said. Now either help us with your case or leave." Melinda rants. The Chief nodded furiously not wanting to get her upset again and walked away leaving them alone. The others looked at Melinda to see her with her arms crossed and a serious look on her face. "That was awesome!" JJ commented as Melinda turned to them all while looking at two of the women that didn't get remarks about themselves, "I had to do what had to be done. Most men are very sexist and don't respect women in general. I'm surprised he didn't say anything about you two." Emily shrugged, "I don't know either." David had a look of shock still from what happened, "I thought we were going to have to hold you back." Melinda shook her head, "You wouldn't be able to." A woman walked over to them with a smile and looked at Aaron for more than she should. He, however, wasn't looking at her but at Melinda as he was worried about her after the fiasco they had with the Chief. The woman however scoffed when she saw that Aaron wasn't going to look at her, "Hi, I'm Janet. Seeing as the Chief put me in charge, I'll show you where you'll be working." Janet sent Aaron a flirty smile, before leading them to where they will be working. Melinda sent her a glare from behind but stopped when she was nudged by Daisy. They get into the room and Janet stood by the door but kept her gaze on Aaron, "Need anything?" Melinda looked at her and immediately responded, "No, thank you." Janet sent her a glare before walking away with a scoff. Some of them chuckled at how the Asian woman was towards the woman. Aaron looked at them confused wondering what was funny, "What?" David moved his hand away from his mouth and pointed at him, "You have an admirer." Aaron looked around the room at everybody, "Who?" Melinda glared at the wall and replied with distaste, "Janet." Daisy pointed at the mad Asian woman next to her, "May was shooting glares at the back of her head." Aaron looked at his girlfriend, who was now avoiding eye contact, not wanting to seem jealous, but she was. He smirked and walked over to her as she pretended to look at a file. The team watched on enjoying the stoic couple's relationship and watched. He cupped her face making her look at him, "I'm not interested in her. I am interested in you and that's how it will stay, understand?" Melinda just nods her head as he smiled at her and kissed her head, before beginning to help Spencer with the geographic profile. Melinda smiled before heading out to get some water. She turned to look at the team before leaving, "I'm gonna get something to drink. Do any of you want anything? Coffee? Water?" JJ gestured to herself and the BAU team with a smile, not thinking of what the woman was actually doing, "Most of us drink coffee." Jemma jumped up and raised her hand lightly with a nervous smile seeing as the woman never got anyone their drinks before, "Get me a tea, please." Melinda nodded before walking out of the room as her team figured stuff out. She walked to the kitchen area and grabbed herself a water bottle before she began making coffee and tea. Janet saw her and walked over with a fake innocent smile, "Hi! How's everything?" There was silence between them for a few seconds and all they could hear was the sounds of people moving around and talking. Melinda placed Jemma's tea in the cup tray as she began to make the coffee. "So, are you and Agent Hotchner together?" Janet asked making Melinda look at her before she continued to make coffee, not even wanting to have this conversation with her. She sighed while pouring the disgusting drink into cups and placed them onto the cup trays. "Why does it matter?" Melinda asks, making Janet give her a cute smile as she tried to get under her skin, "I'm just asking because he's handsome. Don't you think?" Melinda rolled her eyes and walked away with the trays as Janet's eyes widened and ran to catch up with her. Melinda got to the room they were working in and closed the door on her. Daisy walked over to help her with the trays as they passed out the drinks as Melinda took a sip of her water. Melinda handed Aaron his and he smiled thankfully. "Thanks. I'm sure Janet didn't give you much trouble, did she?" Aaron asks and Melinda scoffed as he sighed knowing what she was saying. Derek crossed his arms with a quirked eyebrow but had a teasing smile. "What'd she do?" Derek asked as Melinda took another sip of her drink before looking at them with a disbelieving look, "Asked me if Aaron and I were together and also said he was handsome and asked how I think. I didn't answer either question." Spencer looked up at her and smirked, "So what's your answer to the last question?" Derek chuckled that Spencer asked this and everyone always wonders what the elusive Melinda May has to think. Aaron looked over at her, waiting for her response. Melinda looked back at him and gave him a smirk, "He's ok, I guess." The girls giggled at her answer as playing hard to get even when you're already together was hilarious. Then everyone became serious as they needed to discuss the case. "Alright, two men were found dead two days apart. Anything similar about them?" Aaron asks as JJ looked at a file that was laid out on the table, "They both worked at the restaurant and also worked at shoveling people's driveways and roads." Aaron began to give out orders and then looked to the side only to see Janet peeking in from the window, "Ok, Morgan and Johnson go to the first victim's house, Simmons and Rossi go to the second victim's house, Reid and Prentiss go to the morgue to see if you can find something they didn't, and May and I will head to the restaurant." Melinda looked at him when he called her May. He looked at her and whispered in her ear as he looked at the door of the room they were in with annoyance, "Janet has been watching us since you came back into the room. It would be weird if I called you by your first name, while I call the others by their last names." Melinda looked at the door and saw Janet leaning against it, watching them and nodded her head at him in understanding. Jemma grabbed Spencer's hand, making him turn to her with concern, "Be careful, please." Spencer smiled and pulled her to him and he put his arms around her and held her tight. He didn't know what he would do if he lost her and vice versa. "I'll be fine. You better be careful too. I don't want to hear from Rossi that you got hurt. I care too much about you." Spencer tells her making Jemma smile and kiss him, before running to catch up with David. Emily walked over to him as he watched Jemma leave with a smirk, "Ready?" Spencer jumped seeing her and cleared his throat, "Yeah."

Two teams in One/ CM&AOS crossover fanficWhere stories live. Discover now