"Thank you for the compliment, but please stop chasing me!"

"No way~ We should get to know each other, we'll be working together in the future once Boss wins~"

"Ugh! Noooooo!"

Belphegor spent an hour chasing after Tomoe as they ran all throughout Namimori (They did stop for an ice cream break though and had a small chat about the flavors. However the chase continued once they finished eating). They eventually stopped though because said male was called to go back to base and Tomoe was able to escape into the Kocho Estate, knowing that the male wouldn't chase her inside.

(He probably would though if he wanted to)

She was officially somewhat creeped out by Belphegor, the Prince Ripper and genius of Varia.

'Something feels amiss.' Tomoe froze, having a feeling something was about to happen.

She opened her bedroom door, rushing down the hallway, grabbing the jacket Squalo lent her as she ran towards the front door.

'I know this feeling... It's-!'

"Kyoya!" she shouted, jumping towards the male who opened the front door and instinctively caught Tomoe who hugged him, burying her face in his neck. "I missed you..."

"Hn... I missed you too, small animal," he replied, accepting the hug. "We need to go."

"Huh?" Tomoe blinked as she was thrown over his shoulder. "Eh? Kyo-chan? What are you doing?"

"I sense that destruction of property is happening in Namimori, specifically the school," Kyoya answered and Tomoe paled, exactly knowing what he was talking about.

'Now that I think of it... Today was the storm's battle... Oh dear...'

"To think that people would run amok and cause damage while I was gone." A bloodthirsty grin made it onto his face as he scowled. "I'll bite them all to death."

(As she was being carried away, Tomoe sent Chrome a quick message to put up an illusion of her that she was sleeping in bed, so if someone went to check on her, she wouldn't get in trouble for sneaking out)

"Since the ring of storm was obtained by Belphegor the victory of this match goes to the Varia," the Cevello sisters declared.

"Voiiii. What a laughable ending," Squalo mocked. "With this, your lives are finally guttering like candles in the wind."

"Besides," Mammon continued. "So far your holders of the rings of mist and cloud still haven't appeared. If your contender doesn't turn up, we'll win by default and everything will be over."

'Now that you mention it, when are Hibari-san and the mist person going to...'

"Then I will announce the matchup for the next battle."

Tsuna turned to Reborn. "What should we do, Reborn?! If it's the mist or cloud battle then...!"

"Don't worry, everyone will come together in due time," Reborn calmly replied.

"Tomorrow night's battle will be... the battle between the Guardians of the Rain." Both Squalo and Yamamoto smirked.

'That's right... Yamamoto's opponent is... that really strong long hair...'

"I've been waiting for this moment. I can finally have some real fun!" Squalo grinned, eyes narrowing. "Don't you dare run away just because you remembered the overwhelming difference in strength from last time, katana brat."

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