Party Sequence

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Mr. Cheese spent night after night crying for the Gentleman. He was used to spending his nights curled up next to him, feeling his warm breath on his back. The Gentleman had a nice soft bed that he always kept clean and smelling like fresh cotton. Sometimes they slept holding paws. Even though the black Bean could act distant in public, he made sure to let his orange fluffy boyfriend know that he was loved.

But now Mr. Cheese was shivering on the floor of a cold cage, with no blankets and no partner to keep him warm. The tall purple aliens who'd taken him captive scared him, so he spent most of his time hiding in his own fur. Yes, he was an Impostor, the other Impostor who had infiltrated the ship, but he didn't stand a chance against a group of much taller, stronger creatures. Especially considering they had ray guns, while he had a tongue and claws. On these long space voyages, that was a lot of time spent curled up in a ball. The space pirates didn't feed him, maybe because they didn't know what Beans eat. Mr. Cheese resorted to grabbing stowaway bugs that crawled past his cage and eating them. It wasn't as bad as that might sound, because Beans kind of like eating bugs anyway, but it wasn't nearly as nice as pizza or peach milk.

The saga of suck-age truly began when the pirates' ship touched down on a planet with a bruised purple sky. Night had fallen, and the outlines of several moons hung among the stars. The Alder pirates had parked their ship outside a sprawling, palace-like building made out of stone bricks and metal tiles. Mr. Cheese looked at it quizzically while they unloaded their cargo, including his cage, from the ship. They chattered amongst themselves in their own language, which he of course didn't understand.

"So what are we doing around here? Did ya get a special request for one of them Beans?"

"Sort of. We're taking a visit to an old pal of mine. I've got a gift for her." The Alder glanced over at Mr. Cheese, who had taken to hiding in his own fur again. "You don't mind staying for dinner, do you?"

The other Alder nodded. "Works for me, I'm starved. I could use a warm meal. Had enough of that packaged shit."

Some of them picked up smaller boxes, while the leader approached Mr. Cheese. He opened the cage, but as soon as the orange Bean so much as moved, he slipped a tight leather leash over his neck. Not used to something squeezing around his neck, Mr. Cheese gagged and scratched at it. He got a smack in the head for it.

"Settle down," snapped the Ald. "Let's get moving."

He was dragged into the stone palace courtyard, wheeking in protest. He didn't want to go in there; he wanted the Gentleman! If he lagged behind slightly, the Ald walking behind him made sure to give him a kick in the rear. A group of tall, centaur-like beings with horse-ish bodies and bear-ish torsos guarded the main doors. The leader of the Alder showed them some kind of small badge, which convinced them to open the massive bronze doors for them.

It was only marginally lighter inside the palace than it was outside, with the place lit by antique gas lamps. For "music" to fill the air, a pig-like creature banged talentlessly on a huge leather drum. The noise upset Mr. Cheese, who felt his fur standing on end and his claws unsheathing themselves. A menagerie of assorted alien species glanced at the newcomers, with some looking intrigued by the little orange furry thing they had brought with them. The lead pirate strode past them all with an air of superiority. He smugly passed the rabble and went up a flight of stairs, where an important door waited for them.

He gave it three crisp knocks, and then it creaked open. Inside was a meeting room of sorts, dominated by a big buffet table and an equally giant chair. It was upholstered in rich red velvet, and upon it reclined a dragon-like creature whose scales glimmered iridescent in the light. She wore a floor-length jeweled gown and a lacy shawl, but her clothes didn't hide her atrophied wings or ugly chicken feet. A large two-headed bird stood next to her. It tweeted something to her in a language Mr. Cheese didn't understand.

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