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Cling.. Cling..

The sound of the bell began to be heard just after the night wind blew making the bells collide with each other and produce a sound that can be said to be quite noisy. The night in the Kamar Taj was very quiet when almost all the occupants there were lulled into dreams except for a few people dressed in long robes and their heads covered with a hood who were walking in groups towards the library.

Meanwhile, a librarian who was still in charge of tidying up and looking after the library began to put some books into the labeled bookshelf. Unaware of the existence of a man who may also be the leader of the group dressed in robes and a hood, began to appear behind the librarian before some of his followers began to stand out and began to swarm the librarian such as predators preventing their food from escaping. Making the librarian pay attention.

librarian, umm let's name him Umar,(i forgot his name btw) start noticing the situation now. Meanwhile, the leader of the group began to approach Umar before some of his followers followed him. Two of his followers began to cast spells holding Umar's two hands , and the other two cast spells with sticks holding Umar's two feet. makes him lift.

Umar grimacing in pain until his mouth opened wide trying to hold back the pain. After that, one of the followers of the group began to place an iron bucket just below Umar's head before the leader of the group walked over to Umar. The leader took of his off his hood looked at Umar with a small but wicked smile. Shortly Afterwards, the leader places his hands onto his back and holding a pair of blades as he chops Umar's head off as if slaughtering a cow with a sharp machete which falls into the iron bucket.

After that, the leader started to pick up the book that Umar had just placed before he opened it and started flipping through a few pages. shortly after, the leader found the pages which has a Dark Dimension symbol in the center of the pages he wanted before tearing the pages apart and dropped the book to the floor with a loud thump.

Before he and his followers began to walk out, another silhouette in a yellow robe and a yellow hood appeared behind them.

"Master Kaecilius. That ritual will bring you only sorrow" said the woman in a yellow robe and a yellow hood or known as The Ancient One with a firm tone of voice toward Kaecilius and his followers.

The Leader or known as Kaecilius as what The Ancient One said earlier, sets his hands to his back, holding his blade as if ready to attack The Ancient One. The Ancient One walks closer with both hands on her back with her sharp gaze. Even though her face was not visible behind the hood. Kaecilius and his followers began to retreat and tried to escape by opening a portal leading to a city swiftly ran along the side of the road heading into an alley before they all stopped at the same time as they saw their own faces that looked like broken glass in front of them.

Silently, a second silhouette appeared dressed in a gray robe and hooded stopped behind them, controlling it and twisted her right hand forward making them enter the Mirror Dimension. Kaecilius turn his back as the hooded gray -robed silhouette makes a wave pattern with her hand that makes buildings around them start to move unpatterned. The Ancient One began to appear behind the woman in the gray robe with her sharp gaze.

Kaecilius began to look at the surrounding situation fiercely before looking at the two women.

"Hypocrite!" Exclaimed Kaecilius towards the two women angrily.

The Ancient One making a round pattern with both of her hands and turn the gravity as she and the woman in the gray robe hops off a wall of a building, and Kaecilius with his team do the same. The woman in the grey robe start making upward movements with both hands when the building behind them starts rolling on its own. Without wasting time, Kaecilius pulls out his blades as the others making spell and pull out their staff.

The Ancient One began to walk in front of the woman in the gray robe as fast as if trying to stop Kaecilius or his followers from attacking the woman. Both followers of Kaecilius catch her feet with their spell as she pulls her feet back and makes them fall and she hops on them making a fan being spell for cutting their spells and they two got milled by the building under them as they scream.

Then, the woman in the gray robe fights two other people and knocks them down by using a spell. Not noticing with another one behind her, the Ancient One changes the spell to a round being spell as she kicks the one who nearly stabbed the woman with a blade to the rolling building that is getting closer to them. The woman in the gray robe bowed her head toward The Ancient One. Then the woman turns the spell into a fan being spell and she tackled two of them as she throws her spell to the other people left and holds it back. The Ancient One then makes a turn around move with her hands that makes the gravity turn upside down.

Kaecilius and the other are close to the position of falling, then Kaecilius makes a portal with a round and round pattern with his hand for him and his team to escape by opening a portal to a park around London. Without wasting time, his followers hop onto that with Kaecilius still holding it open as The Ancient One and the woman still fighting three of them left. Then Kaecilius hops onto the portal and closes it as The Ancient One and the woman knocks out the three people, and stares as the portal closes. The woman in the gray robe began to scoffed angrily.

"coward" said the woman in the gray robe quietly.

The Ancient One rewinds the rolling building and makes it as if none of this happened and hops of the building to the ground and she makes a portal out of the mirror dimension to the real world and walks through the street along with the woman in the gray robe before The Ancient One removes her hood showing her bald head and the woman in the gray robe starts removes her hood showing her short dark brown hair.


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