Mater the greater.

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McQueen woke up in the hospital. His body was hurting, his paint was peeling, his spoiler had torn off and his wheels were punctured. Just then the doctor entered the room. He told McQueen to rest for two days and he will be fine for the next race.

McQueen fell asleep. The next morning he woke up. The doctor said to rest for one more day. So McQueen obliged. The doctor was right. The next morning McQueen was feeling fine. He drove out of the hospital and looked around. This wasn't Tokyo! This is Porto Cosa. The place where the next race is gonna be!
He called his crew and found out where they were. When he drove there, he found all of them waiting for him. Including Mater, who was doing some stunts for some reason.

McQueen greeted everyone, and went to Mater.
"Hey Mater!"
"Huh? McQueen!"
"What are you doing?"
" I'm just jumping this ramp. It's no problem for me 'cause I used to be a stunt car before."


Mater was in a white, blue and red paint job. There was a huge ramp with a hundred or less cars in between both of the ramps. Mater backed up till he was at the very end of the road, and accelerated. He flew... Over one car. He landed on the second car and drove towards the landing ramp. Next he was on a super high platform. He jumped into the pool below, the force causing the pool walls to collapse.
And many more stunts took place.

end of flashback---------

" Okay Mater,enough fool talk. I have a race to prepare for."

An. Sorry for the long break. I have writer's block. *Chuckles nervously* thanks and hope you enjoyed. More parts coming... Hopefully.

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