"Where are you going?"

"I gotta hit a few licks, and I might go fuck with Durk and them at the club," he answered.

"Oh, so your going to pick up some bitches?" I joked.

"Why would I go fuck on some random pussy when I got some good pussy laying in my bed?" he smirked.

He went into the bathroom and started the shower. That's a first...

I laid there holding my throbbing vagina when his phone dung three times back to back.

Letting my curiosity take over, I reached over and grabbed the phone, seeing Missharon had texted him.

I didn't care enough to see what she said so instead of attempting to guess the password, I sat the phone back down.

"What was you looking for?" I heard Von say. I looked over to see him smirking with a towel wrapped around his waist.

That two second shower...

"Are you sure your clean? You washed your back and your toes and your ass?"

"Nigga I know how to wash up. What was you looking for?" he smirked.

"I wasn't looking for anything, your phone dung so I looked," I shrugged.

He walked around the bed and opened his phone reading the message.

"Asian going into labor, I gotta go to the hospital," he sighed.

"Your not excited?"

"Yeah I am. I'm having a child. Yayyy," he said sarcastically.

"You don't want the baby?" I asked. God, I am nosey.

"It's not that I don't want the baby, I just don't want it by her," he admitted. "I don't want no reason to be in contact with this girl."

"Damn, that's tough," I mumbled, making him mug me.

I don't know what to do in these kind of situations.

"My bad," I laughed. "Look, just because she's having your kid doesn't mean there's always going to be bad blood. Maybe one day y'all can be cordial."

"I'm not tryna squash no beef with her. She fucked me over so now we into it til she die. Or til I die. Whichever comes first," he said, putting on his pants.

"Well, y'all having a kid and I'm pretty sure you don't want your child to grow up seeing his parents fight all the time."

"My folks used to fight and look how I turned out," he shrugged.

"Your a drug dealer," I squinted.

"That's trying to become a rapper," he added.

"Whatever. The point is that it's time for you to man up, starting with making amends with her. Now hurry up and get to the hospital."

He huffed and put on his shirt. He grabbed his phone and pecked my lips a few times.

"You fucking me when I get back," he said, making me laugh.

"Go to the hospital."

He left out the room and a seconds later I heard him close the front door.

I got up and got in the shower. I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a ponytail. I put on some shorts with a sports bra.

I was slipping on some fuzzy socks when someone knocked on the door. I wasn't going to answer it at first but they knocked again.

I slowly opened the door revealing Demi and Joshua holding a car seat.


Hey y'all, it's been a minute! I'm trying to get back in the groove of updating regularly so bare with me💙

Hey y'all, it's been a minute! I'm trying to get back in the groove of updating regularly so bare with me💙

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Ik I probably already posted this but it's been a minute, so let me know how y'all been doing!^^

7 for me😂

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