A Few Months Later...

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You are once again woken up by the animals of Colombia but this time it wasn't the birds' songs. you get up to feel Antonios Jaguar nuzzling and gently pawing your face with the little Antonio on top staring down at you with bright excited eyes. you giggle trying to push the affectionate jaguar's face out of yours. it was about 7 in the morning which was early for you.
"wakeee uppp! i have a super cool story I have to tell you!" the young boy said as he hopped off his jaguar and onto your bed. you sit up and yawn still only half awake as you ask the easily excited boy what cool story he had. you were more expecting some fairytale story his mother had told him last night and not one of your chameleon of a boyfriend Camilo
"Ok ok! so I wake up this morning right, and one of the toucans, his name is mango but that's not important! mango flies over to me and tells me that Camilo was talking about YOU allllll morning! so I got curious right? so I find Dolores and ask her if what mango was saying was true. and it was!" you looked surprised, had Camilo really been talking about you the whole time?
"Oh right! that's why I was sent over here anyway, do you wanna come over for breakfast?" he asked getting off your bed with a bright smile on his face. you smile and nod asking him to give you a few seconds as you wake up. you hop out of bed and stretched your arms up before looking down at Antonio and picking him up giving him a giant good morning hug. you hear him giggle loudly his jaguar brushing against your leg. since you had started dating Camilo his whole family started to feel as if they were your own. seeing your parents were never around and you basically lived alone, having the Casita to go to whenever you felt sad or alone was like a blessing in its self. once you were done with the hug you place Antonio back on his jaguar and start racing him back to the Casita a bright smile on both your faces. as you run through the same streets you met Camilo in you couldn't help but feel grateful for the other, he had brought so much happiness into your life. the sun beamed happily through the few white clouds as you and Antonio race through the streets. Antonio was winning as he laughed his jaguar running along the rooftop. once you get to the top of the hill you were panting congratulating a very happy-looking Jaguar and Antonio for winning the race. 

"oh hey! there you are, hope Antonio didn't wake you up too early!" you look up to see your boyfriend come out the front doors smiling. you sprint over to him and jump into his arms knowing fully well the other would catch you no matter what. as you leap over you feel Camilo wrap his arms around you and spin you around for a few seconds before giving you a hug. you smile telling him that Antonio didn't wake you up too early and that you were happy he wanted you over for breakfast. you smile as the other gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead 
"well you are my partner! of course I would want you over for breakfast! and besides Dolores had been begging me to ask you to come over today. I think she misses you or something" he giggled his eyes sparkling in the morning sun. you watch as the colour in his eyes seemed to change depending on which way the sun hit from, sometimes it was almost a forest green but other times it was a calm and warm hot chocolate colour. Camilo holds your hand as he leads you inside, the Casita making happy jingly sounds with its tiles to greet you. you wave at the tiles as Camilo leads you into the dining room. as always the Madrigals were getting ready for breakfast where they ate outside. you look around to see Dolores missing out of all the family members, but before you could ask Camilo where she was you find yourself getting scooped away by one of Camilo's family members. you look to see it was Isabella, you give her a warm smile asking how she had been since the last time you had seen her... which had only been yesterday but that's fine. she smiles ruffling your hair in a friendly manner
"I'm doing good! how have you been, Camilo annoying you yet?" she teased sticking her tongue out at her cousin. you chuckle and tell her that Camilo has been nothing but perfect for the last few months the two of you had been dating. you look over to see Camilo trapped and whining in his aunts' hug.  you watch as Camilo tries his best to wiggle away from the morning hug
"Awwww Camilo have you been a good boyfriend? you better behave yourself or i will get Felix to teach you a lesson on respecting your partner" you look over outside to Felix and Pepa who were setting up the table outside. you watched as Felix would kiss Pepas cheek and the little rainbow above her head would grow. you look back to the embarrassed Camilo
"Tia Julieta stopppp, you are embarrassing me! of course i treat them right, they are the light of my life you know. why would i ever want to hurt them" you feel your cheeks blush as you make eye contact with the other while his younger brother comes up beside you holding his rat up to your face. you look over and see Antonio smiling as if he heard the best news in his life
"Mr.Cheese says he thinks you two are a really cute couple and i agree" you pause and start laughing as you thank both Antonio and Mr.Cheese that they think you and Camilo are cute. before you are able to do anything you feel yourself get pulled into Julietas hug. you look over to Camilo who was mouthing 'i'm sorry'. you laugh while giving Camilo and Julieta a hug
"Awww see Camilo, hugs aren't that bad when your partner is here" you heard Julieta tease before letting the two of you go.
"Now go sit down so we can have breakfast, i will bring the food out in a second"
Camilo nods his cheeks still red from the embarrassment he pulls you outside to see a stressed-out looking Pepa once she had looked your way

"oh dear, this breakfast table was supposed to be done before they showed up!? the table isn't even fully set yet, is Julieta done cooking and I'm not done?! did i fail at such a simple task?!" you watch as Pepa starts to storm around talking quickly as she stressed out about the table not being done. you watch as Felix tries to calm her down but she doesn't hear him.
"Oh my love calms down please, they don't mind if the table isn't fully set yet" but Pepa wasn't hearing any of it as the storm around her started to pick up. trying to calm her down you walk over to her and gently give the stormy mom a hug. you talk softly your arms wrapped gently around her waist ignoring the wind and rain around you. in a soft voice you explain to her that everything she had done was perfect and that she didn't need to stress about it. even while talking you addressed her as Mamá Pepa so she would calm down more. as you talk to her you watch as the wind slows to a stop and instead a small rainbow appears above her head.
"Thanks cariño... so sweet as always, Camilo and all of us are so lucky to have you in our lives" she said holding you close for a few seconds before letting you go looking at the table
"now that I'm looking at the table all that i see missing is your bright personality and patience for Camilo's silly jokes, go ahead and sit down I will bring food for you and Camilo" she smiled going over and giving Felix a kiss before walking back inside. you giggle and walk over to Camilo sitting down beside him. you realize the other was pouting and asked him what was wrong
"Silly jokes?! I don't have silly jokes, my jokes are fuckin hilarious!" you nod giving him a small kiss on the cheeks telling him that at least 95% of the time funny, the other 5% was debatable
"ok that's fair... hey did you hear Mirabel had tried jumping from one roof to the other? ya she, unfortunately, water vapored" you look at him a bit confused and asked him why he was talking about water vapor. you see a small smirk start to form on his face
"Well that's because she mist the target!" you try for the longest time to keep a straight face but couldn't help but start laughing. the joke was so bad you couldn't help but giggle
"oh speaking of water, did you know you can tell a gender of an ant if you throw it in some still water" the two of you look over to see Agustin behind you smiling. you ask him how he knows
"Well if you watch the ant sink then you know it's a girl, but if an ant floats you know it's Buoyant" you and Camilo look at each other and try not to laugh but after making eye contact with the proud looking Agustin you both burst out laughing. you can't stop laughing as you tell Agustin how terrible that dad joke was
"well i got you two laughing that's all the matters- Antonio?" the three of you turn to see little Antonio tears in his eyes as he holds Mr.Cheese the rat in his arms
"y-you kill ants Tio Agustin?" you look at the now panicked Agustin as he goes over and picks up the sniffling Antonio. he looks around to make sure Pepa wasn't around as he tried to calm him
"N-No! Antonio, i don't kill ants i promise! i was just a joke please don't cry" you watch as Antonio whispers something to his rat before nodding as if he was in a business meeting
"i have confirmed with Mr.Cheese that you do not kill ants... not even boy ants" You and Camilo look at each other and giggle as Agustin sits down the now happy Antonio down just in time as Pepa and the others come out for breakfast
"Alright let's dig into some DN" you look over and see the same cheeky grin on his face showing he was about to make a joke, but Mirabel being gullible makes the wrong decision and asks
"huh...? What's DN?" without a second to spare you watch as Camilo answers the questions
"DEEZ NUTSSSSS" you find yourself and a few others laughing historically as Mirabel sits there embarrassed that she had fallen for such a stupid joke
"Get your boyfriend controlled pleaseeeee! i beg you!" she says with a teasing smile as everyone calms down and starts to eat

*~Authors Note~*
I have returned with a long waited new chapter! thank you everyone for being so patient! i have at least 2 more chapters planned for sure but I'm sure i will go over that! so please keep tuned <3

I have to make a special thanks to doraawasinnit for so many amazing ideas! thank you so much Broski you helped me out sooooo much ^-^ 

Anyway again thank you for being patient everyone and i will get the new chapter out soon! love you all!!

The Smile of a Chameleon Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon