Mother Issues

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There were three soft knocks at the front door, causing you to pop your head out of the kitchen. Three more knocks sounded from the door, but this time louder. You hear creaking from the upstairs bedroom. 

He better behave himself, you think as you rush to the front door wiping your hands on the blue starred apron Alyssa had given you yesterday. "Stay put!" You shout as you pass the stair case and rush up to the door. Grabbing the nob you turn it and swiftly open the door just as the person was about to knock again. 

"Oh, there you are dear. I was starting to wonder if you were home," the slim lady on the doorstep remarked. She was slightly taller than you with medium length brown hair and dressed in what looks like a $200 black suit with equally expensive heels and accessories. 

"Hey, Mother.....It's, uh, nice to see you?"  You say awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck. She walks past you into the house. You can't help but follow her with an internal groan, knowing all too well what she was going to say next.

 She took a quick look around and scoffed, "Really? You call this clean?" she said, her voice was as appealing as a frog's.

 "Well, I have this guy who comes over sometimes--" you reply in more of a whisper.

"How much do you pay him? Seriously? Not very much, I hope. Did he tell you he was a professional? You always fall for such simple scams." she sighs in disappointment "If you had followed the path I had set for you, you would be a successful, rich, and married respectable young woman." She continues on as she walks through the doorway into the living-room, looking around and making noises of what you could guess was disappointment. 

"I don't necessarily pay him..." You remarked as you trail behind her. "He does it as repayment for an expensive repair job I did for him."

"Oh, so it's a charity case now." She scoffed, rolling her eyes. 

A loud crash sounded from the hallway gaining both of your attention. Your mother began walking wordlessly towards the hallway to investigate while you remained frozen in panic. I thought he would be sleeping, what the hell is he doing downstairs! If there is a god, I pray that he is not around that corner! She passes through the doorway into the hall and exclaims, "What a mess! You only have yourself to blame for this one." She peers at you from around the corner with that judgmental look of hers. "This was obviously a shoddy job if I have ever seen one!" You didn't know whether you should be relieved or insulted (But hey, what else is new?). You let out a sigh and walk into the hallway to see the extent of the damage. The shelves looked like they were torn off the walls by a strong downward force, the screws left large torn up holes on the wall. "Yeah, I must have done this one late at night or something because it obviously fell on its own from loose screws..."

She pretty much ignores you again, probably mentally insulting you. She continued inspecting the first floor like it was her job, then starts heading for the stairs. In a panic, you rush ahead of her and cut her off. "So Mother, what was the reason you came here exactly? I have somewhere I need to be soon so the sooner you leave the better." You needed an excuse to get her to leave before the corner gremlin becomes more antsy. 

"Well," she crosses her arms and gets that look that you have learned to despise, "You remember that CEO's son that I talked to you about a while back? It turns out that he is single and looking for a respectable young woman to be his girlfriend, and I made reservations to have you two meet."

Your face scrunches slightly in irritation. "Mother, I told you-"

"He has vast wealth and is heir to an internationally loved corporation. He has massive influence, so you better not mess this up for me." She said, cutting you off mid sentence.

Of course, You thought irritably. The only person she's really looking out for is herself. "Mother, I'm going to tell you what I told you last time you tried to set me up with some rich playboy. I'm not interested in marrying into money like you did after Dad died."

Your response, of course, was not the one she wanted to hear. "Well, I wouldn't have to if you hadn't of left the path I set for you and become this!" She gestured her hands towards you at the end of her sentence with great exaggeration. 

"I can't believe this! I just can't with you right now." Your voice raised slightly. "Why don't you just go? I'm sure you have some prissy meeting to go to." 

"You're just in denial sweetie. I'll call you when you've gotten over yourself," She sighed as she made her way toward the door and opened it. Before stepping out, she looks back at you smugly. "You would have become an absolute failure if it were not for me, right now you're just a slight disappointment." She slams the door, and her silhouette disappears from the window. The house falls deathly silent. 

You sigh. 

"She's the one with a screw loose." 

"Go find someone else to bother, Moon, I'm not in the mood right now." Your gaze locked with the animatronic behind you. He had that same judgmental look on his face that your mother gives you. It's really starting to piss you off.

You make your way back towards the kitchen and see the broken shelves on the floor. "You're going to clean that up." You ordered, looking back at the Night Stalker.

"no." He said with a grunt before turning around stomping his way back upstairs. 

You scoff. "Fuck you too, asshole."  You mumble to yourself.

"I can still hear you!" He shouts down the stairs before slamming the bedroom door shut. 

Star Light Star Bright (Moon X Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now