43. Burn to the Ground

Start from the beginning

There would be time to find his mother later and figure out how the hell she got involved with the Black Vipers and their ring of sex traiifcking. At least they got Emmett out of there safe and sound. Emmett could explain everything that happened to him later. For now, they needed to focus on getting out of there alive.

Kazimir realized he also needed to inform Jordy of what happened and that they'd be getting out of there ASAP. As he dug in his pocket for his phone, he almost dropped the device while running and trying to keep up with Charlie's long strides. When he got it powered back on, he'd text him from their getaway cars.

When they reached their trucks and cars, police sirens blared in the distance. The cops were on their way. Kazimir almost forgot about how Adrian and Adam Lindel had been updated on what happened, but there was no time to worry about that. Charlie and Kazimir waited in their own truck while the others took off, wanting nothing to do with the cops approaching them.

Nerves squirmed in his chest as he realized not all of the women escaped with the rebels. Some were still trying to hurry across the vast amount of land before them, to the trees. Only when smoke and flames licked up the building did Kazimir realize how close the police were to them. That fire would only make them quicken their pace. Amongst the fleeing crowds, Kazimir spotted Emmett and Alfie. But Alfie had Emmett on his back, carrying him.

Kazimir glanced behind them, biting down on his lower lip. They wouldn't make it at this rate. The cops would be on their tail in no time.

"Drive up to them," Kazimir said. "I know the police might see us, but they're gonna get caught if we don't."

Charlie nodded, not waiting another second before hitting the gas. Kazimir gripped the leather upholstery of the seat, bracing for the worst as they careened over the rough patches of grass toward Alfie and Emmett.

In seconds, Alfie propped open the back door and eased Emmett inside first before ungainly climbing in beside him, slamming the door.

"Drive, now!" Alfie demanded.

As they sped off, away from the burning building, police cars approached the scene. Kazimir worried that some of them might try to follow them as they drove further out into the countryside. Some of the rebels took the chance at circling back around, but Kazimir didn't think that would be a smart move. The cops would trap them in a heartbeat.

"Where are we heading, boss man?" Charlie asked, sparing a glance in his mirror.

Emmett lifted his head up, rubbing at his eyes. "Wherever there's food. I'm fucking starving."

"We need to make sure no cops follow us first," Alfie said. "Keep going until we reach the next town. I know Pine Ridge ain't far from here. We just gotta hit that highway out here and we'll be good to go. There's no way they'd be able to find us there."

"Got it," Charlie replied.

"Did anyone else head out this way?" Alfie asked.

"Yeah, I told them to go this way when I heard the cops," Charlie replied. "Some of them freaked out though and tried to circle back the way we came. Those cops probably got them. There's a lot of women left behind too, so they'll be busy motherfuckers."

"Is there a way to tell which of the women escaped?" Kazimir asked. "Like, would there be a way to contact any of them?"

"Probably not, little man. If the cops got them, they'll be sent away for treatment. Some of them might not even remember their real names or give fake ones," Charlie replied. "I know you thinking about your mom back there."

"Your mom was back there?" Alfie asked. "Shit, man. I wish I'd known. I'd have tried to get her out, if you wanted."

"It's okay. I know you guys did what you had to do. They all got out before you set the place on fire, right?" Kazimir questioned.

"Yeah, Emmett and I made sure of that. We were the last ones to get out," Alfie replied.

As they reached the highway, Kazimir checked his cell phone at the mounting texts and missed calls. Some were from Jordy and others came from Adrian, concerned for his safety. Jordy's texts came in first.

Where r u



Then, he received countless calls and voicemails from Adrian and Jordy as well. He'd listen to those later, when he was alone. Kazimir didn't need them to realize that he'd gotten the police involved. As long as Jordy and Adrian were safe, then it was okay. They could hate him forever for what he did.

Kazimir hated himself for getting them involved and abandoning them, but he had to do it to save Emmett. It was the only way to get him out alive.

Had they waited for the police to intervene, like Jordy wanted, then Emmett might've been killed. The Black Vipers would've moved their supply and the women. Kazimir only did what Emmett would've done for him, even if it meant using his own friends.

The rebels were his family, right? They had to protect each other.

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