She quietly snuck over to her. She was bent over behind her, waiting for the right moment to snag her up. Clarke turned to look at where she was previously standing and then Lexa wrapped her arms around her, picking her up. Clarke yelped as she got thrown over her shoulder.

"Lexa!" Clarke struggled against her hold but couldn't break free. "I looked away for not even ten seconds!" Lexa quickly made it over to the water and threw Clarke in. Clarke went under and quickly broke the surface. "You bitch!"

Lexa laughed. "I had to let you test it first." Lexa said, getting in the water. Clarke splashed her. "It's not even that cold. I thought it would be worse." Lexa dove under the water and hugged Clarke.

"You already smell so much better." Clarke cupped her hand and picked up some water, pouring on Lexas shoulder. She started to wash her.

"You don't like the smell of sweat and blood?" Lexa teased. Clarke laughed and kissed her. Clarke washed off the grime and blood, rubbing her hands over her body. She felt better as she got cleaned.

Clarke cupped her face and started to wipe off the warpaint she missed from last night and the dirt. "You are so beautiful." Clarke whispered, cupping her face. Lexa pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

"So are you." Lexa told her. Their noses brushed as Lexa went to kiss her cheek. "I love you." Lexa put her hands on Clarke's back.

"I love you too."

They finished up in the river. Lexa cleaned up Clarke and then they relaxed. They sat in a more shallow part. They talked and laughed. Lexa felt free.

They got up and out of the water. They got dressed and started to head back to camp. Clarke took her hand and kissed the back of it. They tried to be sneaky and get back into camp without anyone noticing but everyone was already awake.

Clarke and her grabbed breakfast and went to find Octavia and Raven. They were sitting by the fire. Octavia was rubbing Raven's leg as Raven ate. They sat down with them.

"So where did you two sneak off to? I saw Fiona coming back into camp looking like she saw a ghost." Octavia said, looking up. She saw their wet hair and smiled. "Ah, snuck off to the river.

They ate breakfast and Indra came over to them. She wanted to know if they could start packing up which Lexa and Clarke gave her the go ahead. She doubted anything would happen or another attack would happen.

The plan was to go back to Eden and talk with the Queen, Crystal. Then go talk to the people on the boat and see what they want to do. Join them or go back to Bellmare. Then go from there.

It was around noon when everything was packed and ready. A few warriors were gonna stay behind incase of another attack. Leaving means having to ride on the four wheeler. Octavia and Raven took the other four wheeler.

Clarke sat down the four wheeler and Lexa looked at it unsurely. After a few seconds, she got on and put her arms around Clarke. Octavia and Raven left a few minutes before them.

Clarke started to drive and Lexa was trying to figure out what to say to the Queen to keep her mind off of the death machince she was on. The Queen is now the ruler of the Bellmare people but she didn't know who would listen to her though. Lexa had a feeling that the Queen didn't have any experience in leading so they would have to help her.

She hoped the Queen was setting in nicely since Bellmare and Eden are very different. Hopefully Aden was helping her with whatever she needed along with their other friends. Also she was hoping Aden kept Eden in one piece, not that she doesn't trust him.

Clarke was having the time of her life on the four wheeler. She was going a million miles per hour and making sharp turns. Lexa was waiting for the vehicle to tip over, there were a few close calls but Clarke laughed it off while Lexa shit herself.

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