Veldora: Who's knocking on the door? I hope it is it anyone who's trying to ruin our Star Wars marathon.

Rimuru: I'll check who it is Veldora.

I open the door and it was then revealed to be Irina and Xenovia who are wearing their Church battle suit with white hooded cloak.

I open the door and it was then revealed to be Irina and Xenovia who are wearing their Church battle suit with white hooded cloak

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Rimuru: (What are those two doing here I should probably ask them why they're doing here.)

Rimuru: Hello what can I help you to for?

Irina: Are you by any chance be Rimuru Tempest.

Rimuru: I am why do you ask?

The both of them bowed their hair to thank me I was confused.

Irina/Xenovia: We thank you for what you have done!

Rimuru: Umm you're welcome and what are you thanking me for?

Xenovia: You have save the priest from yesterday who was injured and he told us that you were the one who heal him and we came here to thank you.

Rimuru: Oh I see you're welcome for that.

Irina: Wow it is rare for someone to have healing abilities by any chance do you want to join the church.

Rimuru: Sorry I had to decline I appreciate the offer but I am a very busy guy.

Irina was disappoint I decline her offer but she calm her self.

Rimuru: Well is that all you two are here for?

Xenovia: There is something we want to discuss with you.

Rimuru: What do you wanna discuss to me about?

Xenovia: Mind if we come in to discuss.

I hesitate for a moment I am only worry about they have those Excalibur's. If they dare harm my family I won't hesitate to fight back and those Excalibur's are useless against me. So I decided to let them in.

Rimuru: You too can come in but do not cause any problems for me and for my family.

They both nodded and they came inside Veldora noticed the two he sensed the Excalibur's that the two had.

Veldora: Hey Rimuru who are those two and what is with those swords they have? I sensed holy energy coming from there swords.

Irina and Xenovia were surprise that Veldora sensed there Excalibur's. The both of then sensed Veldora aura and they we're shock of Veldora intimidating aura.

Rimuru: I'll explain later I need to talk with these two right now. Watch the twins for me okay bro.

Veldora: All right I'll keep an eye on them while we are watching Return of the Jedi.

Falfa: Papa once you're done talking with those two can we go have some ice cream.

Rimuru: Sure thing sweetie but after we will have lunch.

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