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A few hours after we had left Tortuga I found my place on the boat. I had brought a notebook with me on the journey and sat besides the railing next to the steering wheel. In my spare time I really liked to draw when I could, it helped me relax a bit and with all these pirates on board, I was desperate for some relaxation. So I sat beside the railing and I was thinking about what I was going to draw, staring into the blue ocean water.

'You really believe our father was a pirate?' I hadn't heard Will approached me. 'Uhm, yes, I think so. Jack said he knew him.' 'Weird thought, huh? That he probably knows our father better then we do.' 'I guess.' I said. 'What are you drawing?' Will knew I'd like to draw and he also knew that I was always struggeling with trying to come up with an idea for my drawing. 'I don't know yet.'

'Y/N, I'm so worried about Elizabeth.' I looked at Will, I could see in his eyes that he was heartbroken about Elizabeth's disappearance and he was desperate to find her. 'I know, Will. I'm worried too, but she's a strong woman. We will find her, I promise.'

Will walked away to help the crew with preparing the ship. Jack said there was going to be a storm in a few hours. How he knew, I did not know, because the horizon was as blue as the ocean beneath it, but I guess it's pirate's instinct or something.

And Jack was right, there was a storm coming. I decided to try and help the crew while the storm was raging. I knew that they could use every helping hand that they could get, because sailing a ship in a bitter storm was a difficult task. Will, Mr. Gibbs and I were on the deck trying to hold onto some ropes while the rain was attacking our faces. Jack was at the steering wheel and held a compass in his left hand, he kept looking at it with full concentration.

A big wave flushed Mr. Gibbs, Will and me to the other side of the ship. 'How can we sail to an island that nobody can find with a compass that doesn't work?!' Will yelled through the storm. 'Aye, the compass doesn't point north, but we're not trying to find north.' and with that Mr. Gibbs walked up the stairs towards Captain Sparrow. Despite the sounds of the storm, I could still hear Gibbs yelling over it against Jack: 'We should drop canvas, sir.' 'She can hold a bit longer!' Jack answered, and with 'she' he obviously meant the Interceptor. 'What's in your head that put you in such a fine mood, Captain?' 'We're catching up.' I sighed, finally some good news.

The storm layed down and we entered a deep white mist. I looked over the water trying to see something of where we were heading. To my horror I saw about a dozen shipwrecks laying in the water. 'Dead men tell no tales.' Mr. Cotton's pirate said which was actually kind of creepy and Mr. Gibbs thought so too: 'Puts a chill in the bones, how many honest sailors have been claimed by this passage.' Everyone was looking at the railing into the mist and at the shipwrecks. Below our feet could lay almost a thousand sunken sailors at the bottom of the sea. I looked behind me and saw Jack staring at his compass, he looked a bit unsure. Will noticed it too: 'How is it that Jack came by that compass?' He asked Mr. Gibbs. 'Not a lot's known about Jack before he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to find the treasure of the Isla de Muerta. That was before I'd met him, when he captained the Black Pearl.' My brother definitely did not know that: 'What? He failed to mention that.' I already knew that, but to be fairely honest, I forgot about that whole story. I didn't think it was really that important. 'He plays things closer to the vest now. A hard-learned lesson it was. See, three days out on the venture, the first mate comes to him and says, everything's an equal share. That means the locaton of the treasure too. So Jack gives up the bearings. That night, there was a mutiny. They marooned Jack on an island and left him to die, but not before he'd gone mad with the heat.' 'Ah...' I said. 'So that's the reason for all the...' I did a quick impression of Jack. 'Reason's got nothing to do with it. Now, Will and Y/N, when a pirate's marooned, he's given a pistol with a single shot, one shot. Now that won't do much good hunting, nor to be rescued. But after three weeks of a starving belly and thirst, that pistol started to look real friendly. But Jack, he escaped the island and still has that single shot. He won't use it, though, save on one man. His mutinous first mate.' 'Barbossa' Will said. 'Aye.' Gibbs nodded. 'How did Jack get off the island?' I asked, intrigued by the story. 'Well, I'll tell ye. He waded out into the shallows and waited three days and three nights till all manner of sea creatures came acclimated to his presence. On the fourth morning, he roped a couple of sea turtles, lashed them together and made a raft.' Will stared at Gibbs in disbelief: 'He roped a couple of sea turtles?' 'Aye, sea turtles.' And then Will made a really sharp comment: 'What did he use for rope?' Mr. Gibbs could not answer that question and he looked rather puzzeled.

Savvy? - Jack Sparrow X Reader (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now