"At less give me your number"

Great. Kazutora takes the phone; he won't put his number but some random one. He.was about to do so but unfortunately baji's phone started to ring.He gave baji the phone which earned a gowl from the blacked boy. 'Great his distraction, make a run for' and he did. with that kazutora ran away Again.

When baji turned around there was no kazutora in sight.

"WHAT! come on man".

Baji had no choice but to go home. It had been chifuyu the one had call him about the pets shop
Hadn't told him where he was going and when he's coming back , he only told that he was wenting out for something important. Chifuyu trusts baji that why he didn't question future.


Kazutora was so glad when he outran baji. He Didn't want to get himself and baji into trouble. Life was already hard for him. Baji entering his life with toman was a big no no for kazutora. Working with hamna was enough and difficult. Even though toman disform years ago the original people who created toman still call them toman.

Kazutora had a bad start in life. His childhood only bringe back pain to him. Father abused him, he killed mikey brother and almost killed baji also too.

After stabbing baji hes was sentenced 5 years in prison for attempting murbuer. When he was released him at 19 had nowhere to go.His mother got remarried to aman other than his father got set of twin khloe and chloe. His mother sent a letter to him its was about his father telling him that he had 'changed' and he can stay with him after he got back on his feet. He didn't had any other choice but stay with the man he hated most.

Staying with his father breathly. He was out most of the time. He started working at a local store causing him to brace his femine side. He was forced to wear women's clothing even though he protested against it. His boss Mr.hegy told him he had no other choice but go by his rule or go somewhere else even remembering him not wanting a criminal like him to work with them and only hired him because she was pretty and could attract more comorst and bost his store. Kazutora agreed with the man's requirements and he hated it.

Three years went by in a blink of an eye. Kazutora moves out of his father's apartment, the money that his mother spent on him over the years plus his job payments. His job at the store was to welcome the comtoe them with a big bright smile in a bunny outfit. Yes he did attract customers mostly men and Some school girls even stopped by to ask about his hair color ,which dye he used and which make-up brand he was wearing. He would answer their questions with a big smile flash across his face.he was glad that people was socialized with him and judge him based off his past or background. He wood get employees of the month each month only after start working there for two months.

Because of this rumor would go around in the store that he is sleeping with the boss for his position. It isn't true he worked hard nights and days he was at the store folding , hanging up cloth that was dash every in the booth clothes try on.his boss call it exp hours more money which he signed up for. Between the years that the boss does in fact fav him he asks him to stop but only he just laughs at him telling him was the one who brings in more money than anyone else of his 14 coworkers.

Between the years living with his father. There time The older man would have raised his voice and changed at him. Aspect it for being a horrible person. So move out. He lives alone with a cat he had picked up from the alley. The cat was black with fangs hanging out of his mouth. It reminded him of someone but dismissed it . he only the cat and himself to care for.

It was Friday afternoon and Kazutora just had dinner.
He loves Friday not only when he goes to work. It was his day off where he could spend more time with his cats and relax and eat whatever he wanted and do whatever he desired. It was a peaceful Friday like every other Friday but this time was different. He heard kwon on his door. No one knows where kazutora live only mother and father knews and none of them was in japan at the are matter of fact lives in Tokyo.

'Maybe it is cleaner' the cleaner always comes and always turns them down politely. Them cleaning his apartment was a waste of time and money.
It's just one person lives here and make little mess
When the cat makes a mess he will clean it up himself.

But instead it was a box. just box at his doorstep.
He look both ways after pick up the box. Close the door and carry it to the kitchen counter. Then open it. The box has nothing on it. Just plain cardboard. He open it. He saw a letter on top of white something. He picks up the letter and starts to read it.

Hey hey
Long time no see
I wonder how you're doing
How's life shits
So wonder if we can meet up you
Known catch up a little
Although there's nothing to catch up

Remember this?

Remember this means the white stuff in the box kazutora hesitantly picks up the thing to see what it was .

And this moment will change his life forever.

Hamna shuji♡︎

credit to the artist!!

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