Basic Teachings 2: The Difference Between Hiragana And Katakana

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What l have heard from most of you is why do we have two separate basic writing systems. So, Hiragana is  the main writing system in Japan. No matter what. Katakana is only used when using English or any other language terms. For example, when saying the word ' America'. You cannot put in Hiragana because that would be grammatically incorrect. Instead, you would have to put in Katakana.

America in Hiragana: あめりか ―― X * Wrong *

America in Katakana: アメリカ―― O * Correct *

It may be confusing to beginners, such as yourselves, but, you'll soon understand the difference. Now comes the pronunciation. A lot of foreigners always get the pronunciation of our letters incorrect. They just say it like it is. When saying, ' me ', it is not the pronoun me, describing yourself. It is a letter. So the correct pronunciation for ' me ', is like the sound ' meh '. And ' mo ' as in ' moe '. Just go back to the first chapter and re-watch the video if you have to in case you are still confused in the pronunciation.


I'm cutting this chapter in half so that l may also teach you the formal greeting when introducing yourself or friend to a Japanese person.

Alright, now, when you first greet someone who is Japanese, you may say these phrases:

こんにちは! ( Hello! )( Konnichiwa) - Both meaning Hello and Good Afternoon.

おはよございます。( Good Morning. ) ( O-Hai- yo- go- zai- masu) - Greet anybody in the morning by saying this to them.

おやすみなさい。( Good Night ) (O-ya- sue- me- na- sai) - Say to anybody at night before going to sleep

ようこそいらしました。( Welcome. ) ( Yo- uu- ko- so- e- rai- ma- shi- ta)- Greet to anybody when you invite them to your house.

おげんきですか?( How Are You Doing? ) (O- gay- n- key- day- sue- ka) - Ask to anybody in public.

わたしはげんきです、ありがと!( I'm fine, thanks! ) (Wah- ta- shi- wah- gay- n- key- day- su) - Respond back if positive about your day.

あなたわ?( You?) (A- n- tah- wah) - Ask once you have have been asked how you have been doing.

 おげんきです。/ まああーまああです。( O-gay-h-key-day-su / Mah-mah- day- su)( Fine / so-so ) - Just a general response.

ありがとございます。( Thank you very much ) (A-ri-gah-toe-goh-zai-masu) - A formal way of thanking someone.

どういたしまして。( You're Welcome) (Doe-e-tie-mah-she-tah) - Only said when receiving a gift or such.

ちょっとゆじん~ ( Wait, friend~) (Chiyo- toe-you-gene)- Only said when you want somebody to wait for you.

さましかったです。( I missed you so much )(Sa-mah-she-ka-tah-day-su) - Said when you have not seen that person in so long.

さいきんどうですか?(What's new? )(Sa-e-ki-n-doe-day-su-ka) - Usually asked by relatives or your friends.

かわりないです。( Nothing, really. ) (Kah-wah-ri-na-e-day-su-ka) - Usually said when asked that question.

こんぼんわ。( Good evening ) (Ko-n-bone-wah) - Greet when seeing your friend or someone at night.

またあとであいましよ。( See You Later) (Mah-tah-a-toe-day-a-e-mah-show)- Usually said to friends when departing to go home.

さいよなら。( Good-bye ) (Sigh-yo-na-ra)- Just a formal way to say when leaving a public place.

To actually say any of those phrases up there, go back to the first chapter and enunciate each of them slowly. Then gradually pick up speed once you do get the hang of it. Until the next chapter... good-bye.


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