
Up to a few months ago when I finally realized my crush on the boy, it took me so long to let it out. And when I finally got a chance to say it, as the two of us were sitting on my bed and Ei was braiding my hair in small pigtails.

"Hey, I've got something to tell you" I said finally making the first step.

"Mhm, what is it?" he asked.

"What are we?" I blurted.

"What do you mean?" Eiji asked in confusion.

"I mean, we're closer than just friends, is what I mean" I said, he seemed to think for a while.

"Well, what do you want us to be?" he asked finally.

"I'm not sure, how 'bout we go on like a date or idk, and try to figure it out?" I made it sound like a random idea in case he wouldn't feel the same.


Couple dates, officially introducing ourselves as a couple and some months later and he comes to me with this weird look on his face before we leave school.

"Ei, is something wrong?" I asked, concerned about him.

"Mina, I have something to talk to you about" he said, sounding like he was going to dump my ass, which at some point he did, but anyways.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, I figured that... I'm gay" he said nervously.

"If this is a joke, very funny. If it's not, what the heck is wrong with you?" I said, watching his expression.

"Well, it's not a joke" Eijiro mummbled.

"Oh, so you've been just playing with me? What, was I your attempt at convincing yourself you're straight or what? You enjoyed playing with me like that?" I let out.

"N-no, the thing is, I like you, just like a friend, tho" he said "and I thought I maybe had a crush but then I realized that... I acctually like boys" he explained.

"Okay, well, enjoy the dick!" I said, walking past him in anger, trying to calm myself down.

I entered my room, went for a relaxing bath and did some skincare and redid all my nails, slipping down on my bed, finally crying. And so, now I'm here, at this very point, a girl with a gay boyfriend, that reminds me, we never officially broke up... Let that for him to deal with it, don't feel like it now.


I can hear a far away recording of bubblegum bitch by Marina, realizing that's my alarm song and I quickly sit up, looking around my room in confusion, it's morning, but how? Did I fall asleep last night?

I look around my room for the source of the sound, finding my phone in the sheets I didn't bother covering myself with last night. I turn off the alarm and walk into the bathroom to do my make up, I look into the mirror and look, I look like a mess, my cheeks red and covered with dried tears, my hair sticking up in every direction.

I put my hair from my face, making a small ponytail on the top of my head, then washing my face and starting on foundation from pink eyeshadow because nowhere they have make up in my skin tone.

When I finish up my make up I walk to my dresser to change into uniform and I finally leave for school.


Walking into class, seeing Eijiro act so casually like nothing happened yesterday made me rething my feelings for the boy and reconsider if he was worth my tears, not sure about that, but I'm surely worth his. I walk over to my seat, sitting down in the most fancy way I could. I'm gonna make him regret.

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