~Chapter One~

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The 15-year-old curly haired boy laid in his bed starring up at the ceiling, he was thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. It had been a month sense Casita had fallen and been rebuilt. Like most of the other Madrigals he wasn't in the best mental state. He still was feeling inferior to his family, useless, and insignificant even if he did have a gift. Abuela was still struggling to realized how poorly she was treating everyone but was attempting to move on like everyone else had seemed to but he just couldn't.

"Abuelita I-" "I don't want to hear it niño. You should know better our gifts are only to help our community y eso es todo!" Abuelita had snapped back starring into the 10 year old boys eyes, "Under no circumstance are you allowed to shift outside of the house if it isn't to help! Am I understood?"
"... Yes"
"Ay niño give me a hug"
He knew he couldn't argue so he reluctantly gave her a hug
"Now go up to your room and think about what you did."
"Yes abuelita."

He opened his eyes looking around his room sitting up. His room was large seemingly unending void, when you walked the floor rippled like water. Mirrors floated around the space with faces of all the people he's transformed into being reflected off of them. Depending on his current feeling reflected the faces and moods of the faces, now that he was feeling a bit nervous and useless the faces of the people all looked disgusted by his presence in the room and glared at him, the face of his abuela shinning brighter then any of them. He didn't want to loose himself in his thought so he walked out of the room closing the door behind himself.

Once he left he took a deep breath in holding, exhaling and smiling before walking around.

"Watch out cuz!" Luisa said walking by holding a bunch of decorations in one arm and the piano in the other arm. He flattened against the wall so she could get by then looked around. Everyone was preparing for a party most likely but he couldn't think of why they would be celebrating.
"Mirabel!" He called out to his cousin on the lower level of the building before running over to the stairs and sliding down the railing, "What's all the preparing for?"

"Todays the one month anniversary after we repaired Casita! So we're going to have fiesta to thank everyone in town for helping" Mirabel said holding a basket of ingredients most likely that she was bringing to the kitchen

"Er- I totally didn't forget about that- Do you know what Abuelita wanted me to help with?"

"I'm not sure actually, she's probably circling the house she's probably up by the mural where all the photos are"

"Oh how could I forget, y'know there's one I especially love! Wanna guess which one that is prima  Mira?" He smirked looking at her

"Oh I wonder" She rolled her eyes with a laugh, "Is it the one with you face on it?"

"Oh but of course! For I, Camilo Madrigal, am simply fantastic!" He put his hand on his chest dramatically looking up then to his forehead and tilted his head closing his eyes to add to the drama and fabulousness of his 'act'

"Mhm whatever you say Cami-" She laughed before poking his forehead and walking off

"Bye to you to, ugh the a u d a c i t y" He said extra loud to ensure his cousin heard his teasings

"Bye Camilo!" She chuckled not looking back at him

He then walked back up the stairs to go find Abuela to see how he could help. After a bit of walking he caught up to Abuela

"Abuela! What do you want me to do?"

"Hm? What do you mean niño?" She looked at him with a bit of a puzzled look on her face

"With setting up for the party- What else would I mean-"

"Watch your tone Camilo. But, we have it all handled, Antonio's gift with animals is doing quiet enough, he's got them to help"

"Are you sure you don't need help? I mean like I could turn into Luisa and she's pretty strong alr-" He was cut off by Abuela

"Camilo, I mean this in the nicest way, but your gift is only helpful when we're short on people and need another José for por ejemplo, if you want to help go into the village and maybe transform into a mother o algo como así" She spoke insensitively and firmly, she wasn't budging

"Alright I'll go out to the village later then." He said staying calm not wanting to cause any problems and went to his room.

The second he closed the door all the mirrors turned to him all with pictures of the people he's turned into. He shook his head and snapped his fingers and all the mirrors turned around. He could only do this every once and awhile and if he was in a decent enough mental state or they would just ignore him.

He took his shoes off and plopped onto his bed feeling mentally drained already and quickly had fallen back asleep.

Camilo Madrigal's Perspective (Paused)Where stories live. Discover now