Chapter 9

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The man introduced himself as Nick Fury and took you and Steve back to what you now called the Avengers Compound.

That's where you met Tony; he and Fury owned the building and he had agreed to take you in and look after you.

The pain still consumed you and every night you found yourself crying yourself to sleep and never leaving your room. You never thought losing a loved one would be this breaking for you. One night, emotions where running high and it all got too much for you to bare.

Whilst you assumed everyone was asleep, you turned on your lamp and sat facing the blank wall. As sad as it was, you felt this was the only way to be at peace.

Slowly, you lifted your hands to the wall and began using your powers in the hope to blast yourself- a blast to the chest, reflecting off the wall was an instant way to kill someone, no pain, no struggle. And it didn't matter if you weren't skilled with your powers; this required nothing but will.

"Y/N!" Steve had ran into your room breaking the spell. "Fuck" you muttered. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?!"

"what does it look like Steve" you rolled your eyes, not daring to face him. "Look, I know how hard it must be for you- it's hard for me too... But we can help each other, you don't need to do this"..

"Yes Steve, I do. You didn't love him like I did." Your eyes dropped to the bottom of the wall.

"Maybe not, but I still lost someone I love just as much"

"NO, you didn't! Peggy's still out there. Alive! Yes she may be 70 years older, but at least you can spend her last years with her" you finally turned to face him "at least you get to say goodbye and know she died peacefully" all you wanted was to cry but nothing came out.

Steve went to speak but stopped himself, instead he walked out the room frowning, closing your door on the way out.

A couple minutes later you heard movement outside your door. You had no idea what was going on or who was there but it sounded like there were at least 3 people. You made your way to the door and placed your ear up against it.

"Are you crazy?!"

"It has to be done, for her sake. She's going to try again, and I may not be there to stop her this time".
"Her powers are getting too strong".


"Fine. But for the love of God, be careful".

"I will be".

The door opened and in walked Steve, Tony and Wanda. All three of them looked from your bed down to where you sat, and realized you had heard everything.

"It's for your own sanity y/n" Steve held out a hand but you refused to take it.
"Darling, you have to let this happen" Tony took a step closer to you.

"I can't lose someone else" Steve's voice was a mere whisper but you just sat there fiercely shaking your head.

"No. Please!"

Steve and Tony looked at each other, nodding, and soon they had taken an arm each and began lifting you up to the bed. There was no way you were fighting them both off.

"WANDA, NOW!" Reluctantly, Wanda walked over to you and brought her hands to your head "I'm so, so sorry y/n. Please forgive me" you saw the red glow of magic escape her palms followed by a piercing ringing in your head. Your eyes fluttered shut and that was the last thing you remembered.

*end of flashback*

Your eyes flew open to find you still confined within Bruce's machine "GET ME OUT NOW!"

You watched the lid lift off as Bruce came to unstrap you. Your eyes darted around everyone who stood there watching, until they landed on Bucky. Your Bucky.

Your entire body froze in place at the mere sight of him. "No." No full sentence was able to form, you simply stood there staring at him.

"Hi Doll" he smiled gently at you, letting you make the first move; he didn't want to scare you off or hurt you.

"B-Buck? How. You're dead" no one said a word. Your mind tried so hard to process it all but there was no possible conclusion or explanation to any of this.

"You're dead! He-he told me! I-I-I still have your Gold Star!" You reached into your pocket and pulled out Bucky's old lapel pin which you had retained all these years.

You continued to ramble on, your voice growing shrill and tears beginning to blanket your vision.
It was all too much for you- Bucky's return, your powers, your anger towards everyone in the room, the truth!

Your body began to shake violently as you dropped to your knees in weakness. "YOU ALL KNEW!? AND YOU DID NOTHING!"

No one spoke up, they weren't sure whether to comfort you, argue with you or simply look at you in guilt. "I'M ENGAGED TO A DEAD MAN! AND YOU ALL LET THE WORLD GO ON KNOWING THAT I WAS CLUELESS"

Your stomach felt like it was twisting in every direction imaginable "YOU'RE ALIVE... you're alive" you're voice trailed off as you felt Bucky's hand on your shoulder. He knelt down in front of you "I'm here y/n".

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