They headed out to the school gate, the place they’d met up at in the morning. Under the streetlights, Gu Mingxi looked at Pang Qian’s face. There were a lot of things he wanted to say to her, but he didn’t know how he could start.

He wanted to tell her not to stay up late. Sleeping and waking up earlier was good for your health.

He wanted to tell her not to eat too much from the street food stalls. Those foods weren’t healthy. Of course, having a bite every now and then was okay. Also, don’t eat too many sweets, because you’re more likely to get cavities and it affects your body too.

He wanted to tell her that over the holidays, don’t eat very cold or spicy foods, or your stomach will hurt a lot. Drink a bit of warm brown sugar water and don’t cause any trouble.

He wanted to tell her that her parents were getting older, so she should learn some things. Don’t talk back to your parents when you go home, and help them with the house chores. You never know if they’ll suddenly just fall down one day.

He wanted to tell her that if there was a decent guy pursuing her that she could try going on a date with him. You’re almost 20 years old, your parents won’t say anything about it. Of course, as a girl, you have to be smart with these things and protect yourself.

He wanted to tell her, Pang Qian, you’re a really good girl. You love life so much, of course things will work out for you later. You will have a happy and fulfilling life, a wonderful family, a desirable job, a healthy body, and lastly, a simple and joyous heart.

You’ll have a busy job, but you’ll have two weeks off to go on vacation with your husband and child. You’ll have a table full of makeup and a closet full of beautiful clothes and shoes. You’ll have your own circle of friends, your own best friends, and you’ll go for walks on the weekends, go out to eat, play a few games of ping pong.

You’ll have a large house, a duplex or even a townhouse. You’ll raise a dog, plant lots of flowers, and when the sun shines into your room, you’ll wrap your arms around your pillow and sit on the floor to happily play with your child.

He wanted to tell her a lot of things, but in the end, he only said one thing, “Pang Pang, can you hug me for a moment?”

How could Pang Qian leave him disappointed? She opened her arms and wrapped them around him, her heart happy and complete. She could smell his familiar scent, and with her face against his chest, she felt the warmth of his body. She said, “Tomorrow morning at 8:30, right here. Let’s meet for sure.”

Gu Mingxi closed his eyes and rested his chin on her head as he said, “But you can’t promise your life on it again (last time, she said she’d get run over by a car if he didn’t show up).”

“Mm!” She was very at ease, a big grin on her face.

Finally, Pang Qian released her hold and sent him to a taxi. Gu Mingxi sat in the backseat and watched Pang Qian smile and wave at him, “Gu Mingxi, see you tomorrow.”

“Pang Pang, goodbye.” He looked at her and curved his lips up into an especially good looking smile.

– – –

Shark sent Gu Mingxi to the train station and gave him his sleeper ticket.

Before he left, he said, “Are you sure you’re going to cut off contact from Little Crab?”

Gu Mingxi nodded. “She and I… We’re not really anything. To be honest, I was really worried about her at first. I was worried that without me by her side, she’d get bullied by others. But I realize now that in this past year, she’s been doing really well, much better than I’d imagined. I didn’t give her enough credit. She’s a smart girl. She knows how to take care of herself and how to fight for the things she wants. So I think that I can leave without any worries.”

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