Pang Qian could take others around on a bike. All the grown-up kids at the compound could. But giving a ride to Gu Mingxi was a bit more trouble. Pang Qian pedaled on, and the bike swung back and forth a bit. Gu Mingxi sat on the low back seat of her bike, his long legs bent. The people they rode past were greeted with such a surprising sight, and Gu Mingxi’s face turned red as a tomato.

“Gu Mingxi,” the driver girl called. The passenger gave a sound of acknowledgment. The driver girl asked, “Have you ever given me a ride on a bike?”

Gu Mingxi thought for a moment, “Doesn’t seem like it.”

“Have you ever given someone else a ride?”


“Do you still have your bike?”

“Yeah, it’s in the parking shed at the new house. I haven’t ridden it in a long time.”

“You should give me a ride.”

“…” Gu Mingxi smiled and answered a bit bashfully, “Okay.”

A while later…

“Pang Pang! Stop!” the passenger called out to the driver girl. The driver girl asked, “What is it?”

The passenger said, slightly vexed, “One of my flip flops fell off!”


The third night that Gu Mingxi slept at Pang Qian’s house, he still slept on the bed, and Pang Qian slept on the floor. He felt much better that day, so lying in bed, he chatted with Pang Qian.

They talked about when they were younger. Kindergarten, primary school, junior high… Pang Qian talked about Wang Tingting, Zhang Wei, Sun Mingfang, which high schools they were at, how their first semester exams went. Gu Mingxi talked about Jian Zhe, Liu Hanlin, his friends of nine years. When he moved, he also invited the two of them over to visit.

“Wang Tingting is still at Origin of Flight (they had a connecting high school),” Pang Qian said. “She called me over winter break and said that Teacher Cao was pregnant. Aiya, Gu Mingxi, do you know, I really didn’t like Teacher Cao. When my test scores were bad, she didn’t even know who I was. When I did well, she accused me of cheating. When my scores started improving again, she treated me like a precious student. It makes me disgusted when I think about it. What a snob.”

On the bed, Gu Mingxi responded, “Mm.”

Pang Qian continued, “I still like Teacher Dai more. She’s the best teacher that I’ve ever had, and she’s pretty. When my scores were bad, she never talk to me with an attitude. Hey, what do you think?”

There was no response from the bed.

Pang Qian slowly sat up and kneeled on the floor to look at Gu Mingxi. He was sleeping, his head turned to the side, his eyelashes covering the bottom of his eyes. It was a very serene scene.

Pang Qian looked at him with her chin in her hands. It was without a doubt that Gu Mingxi had a good looking face. In Class 2, a lot of girls called him handsome.

Handsome to what extent?

“If Gu Mingxi had arms, he would definitely be more handsome than Xie Yi,” one girl said.

Pang Qian didn’t understand though, what having arms had to do with being handsome. If having arms made something handsome, then centipedes must be the most handsome things in the world.

So who did Pang Qian think was handsome?

Zheng Qiaoqiao asked her this question. “Crab, do you think Xie Yi or Gu Mingxi is more handsome?”

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