“Ah, Jiang Zhiya.”

Pang Qian blinked at him. “Huh? Gu Mingxi, you sure are good at memorizing girls’ names.”

“I remember boys’ names just as well.”

“The more you try to hide something, the more obvious it becomes.”

“Hey! That’s not how you use that phrase!”

On the bus home, they were fortunate to find two seats at the back of the bus. Exhausted from the day of intensive training, and with the rhythmic swing of the bus, Pang Qian started feeling sleepy.

Her head was dangling in the air. Gu Mingxi looked at her, slowly leaning towards him. Pang Qian’s head hit his shoulder, her body relaxing, as she fell asleep against him.

Gu Mingxi let out a sigh and turned his head toward the window. A young girl was breathing evenly, leaning against his shoulder. Her eyelashes were long and thick. Her nose was turned upward. Gu Mingxi suddenly felt that 9 stops was too close.

How great would it be if there were 19 stops.


E City’s First High had a cafeteria. They didn’t have lunch in the classroom like in junior high. Instead, they had prepaid meal cards they used in the cafeteria.

Pang Qian took on the responsibility of getting Gu Mingxi’s lunch. The two of them stood in line together. When they got to the window, she put down two lunch boxes. “One two-portion rice, and one four-portion rice.”

“For the two-portion, I want braised pork chop, stir fried vegetables, uh… And a poached egg.”

“For the four-portion, salted chicken leg… Gu Mingxi, do you want tomato and eggs or string beans?”

Gu Mingxi, “Tomato and eggs.”

Pang Qian smiled at the chef serving the food, “Tomato and eggs. Uncle, please give us a little more!”

She carried the two lunches to look for a table, and then they ran into someone.

“Xie Yi!”

Xie Yi turned around. Seeing Pang Qian and Gu Mingxi, he waved. “Hi, Crab! Hey, you guys get a table. Let’s eat together!”

The three of them put their lunch boxes on a table. Pang Qian went back to get two bowls of free soup, placing one bowl down in front of Gu Mingxi. And after thinking a moment, she gave the other bowl to Xie Yi.

Xie Yi pushed it back to her, “Drink it yourself. I have a drink.”

Pang Qian didn’t press him. The three of them had lunch together, chatting as they ate. The tables in the cafeteria weren’t exactly convenient for Gu Mingxi to eat from. He lifted his right foot up to the table and used his foot to grab his chopsticks. He lowered his head to the meal box, and then put the food into his mouth.

Pang Qian already knew that Xie Yi was in Class 8. First High is a full high school, and each year had eight or nine classes, which meant there were a lot of students.

“Are any of our old classmates in your class?” Pang Qian asked Xie Yi. He shook his head. “Not even one. I checked the class rosters. There were only five of us from Class 6 that got into First High. Ling Tao is in Class 4, and Wang Chenfei is in Class 9.”

“Ah, I’m not close to either of them,” Pang Qian felt a bit regretful. “Sun Mingfang didn’t get it in. She picked First High too, but her scores weren’t good enough. She transferred to a general high school. Hey, Gu Mingxi, didn’t Jian Zhe also pick First High?”

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