twenty - regaining focus

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*Mention of assault

*Mention of assault

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Tulip left Grimmauld Place in a panic, but yet she felt relaxed. She hadn't the slightest clue as to what could have possessed her best friend to step out on Charlie as she had, but she was determined to find out why she did. None of this made sense to her.

Natalia has never been shy about expressing her true feelings for Baron to Tulip. How she hated him, and was only with him for the sake of keeping Charlie and his family safe. Tulip concluded that Baron must've threatened Charlie's life again. She just didn't see her friend disappearing on him like that. Not when they finally promised marriage to one another.

Thankfully, Tulip knew exactly where to begin her search, and luckily, she was correct. Tulip knocked on the door of Baron's flat in Diagon Alley and was relieved that Natalia opened the door, not Baron.

Natalia greeted her friend with an enormous hug and dragged her into her home with a warm and welcoming smile.

"I haven't seen you if what feels like ages!" Natalia said. "How have you been?"

Nothing too weird about that. Tulip thought. The two friends certainly have had busy schedules that didn't line up with each other's. Tulip was busy being a mother to Andy, a girlfriend to Fred, and working while Natalia was busy working at Hogwarts. They haven't exactly seen much of each other recently.

"I'm good. Things have been hectic." Tulip laughed.

"Oh yeah? Is Bill giving you a hard time? I bet it's hard on your relationship with him being in Egypt while you're stuck here. It's the same way with Baron." She shrugged.

"Bill? Egypt?" Tulip perplexed. "What are you on about?"

"Is he no longer a curse breaker? That's rough. It was his dream job. It's all he ever talked about growing up. He was good at it too. "

"Bill hasn't worked in Egypt for over a year now, Nat. You know this. He put in for a transfer just before the World Cup."

"The Quidditch World Cup?" Natalia asked. "I wish I could've gone, but I think I was busy that day with wedding planning. Do you know who won? Hopefully Ireland."

"Natty, you, you were there. You went with us. Me, Bill, Charlie, and the rest of the Weasleys."

Natalia snorted. "I spent an evening with Charlie Weasley!? That's rich! I must've been oblivated or something because there is NO way I'd forget that."

Suddenly, it all clicked. Natalia had to have been oblivated. She hadn't the slightest clue what was going on. The last year and a half of her life were erased by the means of her awful ex-boyfriend.

"Natalia," Tulip panicked. "you need to leave here. Now. We need to go."

"Go?" Natalia asked. The brunette furrowed her brows. She was confused. She couldn't understand why her friend was panicking suddenly. "Go where?"

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