Why they don't talk about Bruno

Start from the beginning

Izuku then started to realize what type of house this was

Izuku: Mom, this is a Cuban house

Inko: a what?

Izuku: you know, Cuba.....I even studied their language incase I go overseas

Inko: well, they weren't here earlier. Let's see if they need help shall we?

Izuku: YEAH

Izuku started jumping around

In the house

In the house everyone were freaking out

Pepa was causing rain

Felix was trying to calm her down

Julieta and Agustín were trying to ease Maribel after not getting a gift

Dolores was trying to look after Camilo

Luisa was trying to find out what was going on

Isabella was creating roses around the house

Abuela was checking on the candle

Casita was trying its best to drain the liquid rain out of itself

Suddenly they heard a knock at the door and everyone quieted down as Felix answered the door

Felix: hello?

Inko: hi, I'm guessing you just moved in

Felix: what do you mean, we live in-

Felix froze as he saw the neighborhood outside of the house

Their were strange buildings. Lights, different people, all sorts of things Felix didn't have words for

Inko: uh, you ok?

Felix was just standing there

Suddenly Bruno was seen trying to leave the house when he noticed the two people in front of Felix

Bruno: oh no no no, everyone is going to blame me again

Maribel noticed the green haired boy

Maribel noticed how the boy had tear stains around his eyes as well

Maribel got a great idea

She rushed out, grabbed the boy by his arm, and rushed him to her "room"

This broke Felix out of his state

Felix: uh, mind telling us where we are?

Inko: oh, your in Japan, how do you not know this?

Felix looked puzzled

Felix: Japan? How are you speaking Spanish then?

Inko: Spanish? I'm speaking Japanese

Felix started to get more confused but he brought the woman inside for answers

Pepa: whose this?

Felix: oh, she said we're in Japan, I'm sorry, I didn't get your name

Inko: Inko, Inko Midoriya

Felix: ah, well I'm Felix Madrigal, this is my wife Pepa Madrigal

Pepa crossed her arms and huffed felling Felix is not having his attention on her

While the adults were conversing Bruno was watching the two kids that were in his vision

Izuku was asking Maribel about her quirk

Maribel: what's a quirk?

Izuku: a quirk is a super powerful or special ability

When Maribel heard special she started to cry


She hugged Izuku crying

Izuku was shocked

There's more quirkless people like me?

Izuku: that's fine Mary, I'm quirkless as well

Maribel: yeah your don't have a gift because your not a Madrigal

Izuku: no, there are things called quirks that people have that are powers, almost everyone has one.......except me...

Maribel: ah *sniff* so thats why you had tear strains, you found out today as well?

Izuku nodded: so, *breaking out of the hug* what's you families quirks

Maribel: well, Pepa can change the weather with her emotions


Maribel saw his smile and smiled as well

Maribel: my mamma Julieta can heal people with her food

Izuku pulled out a notebook and started writing ideas

Maribel just giggled at this and continued

Maribel: my older sister Luisa is supper strong

Izuku wrote down strength quirk

Maribel: my cousin Dolores can hear a pin drop from far away

Izuku wrote down super hearing

Maribel: my cousin Camilo can shape-shift

Izuku wrote down more then just shape-shift on the notebook

Maribel: my sister Isabella can create lots of roses

Izuku: interesting *wrote down some more stuff* is that all?

Maribel: oh, my uncle Bruno can predict the future

Izuku went escatic at that


Bruno heard this

And he felt happy that someone liked his gift

Bruno: I don't know why you were in my vision boy, but there must be a good reason why you were there with Maribel


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