Episode 22: Red Thunder! Magma Smash!!

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~Aboard the Dynamite Battle Tour Zeppelin~

Bell: So... Where exactly are we heading next? And why are we going there?

Basara: We're going to the Island of Demons. It's a place where one of the Strongest Legendary Bladers calls home and it looks like we're going to be battling over there.

Me: Doesn't Lui Lui Shirasagijo hang out on the Island? Some people call him the Oni that lurks around the Island of Demons.

Ranzo: And of course, I'll be the one who defeats the Oni with Ragnaruk's Ole Cyclone!!

Bell: Please, you couldn't even beat me if your Blading Career depended on it. No wonder you haven't gone home yet.

Hannah: Isn't it obvious that he's not going home just so he can defeat you and Pierce?

Me: Yeah. Ranzo you never really explained why you haven't gone home even though you have beaten Bell a couple of times.

Bell: He says that he won't go home till he actually makes me give up. So looks like you're never going home!

Hannah: No, silly. He hasn't gone home because he clearly thinks of us all as Amigos... Especially Bell and Pierce so he's just using that as an excuse so he can stay with us longer.

Ranzo: That is not true! I said I am going home when Bell admits that I've defeated him and that I finally win! You guys are all my Amigos, even Bell but...

Me: But what?

Ranzo: Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy watching me blow away Lui and become a Blading Legend!!

(Razno puts down his Glasses and grins as he holds up Cyclone Ragnaruk as Ilya walks over to Rashad who's currently muttering and mumbling in anger in the corner)

Ilya: What's your problem today? You seem grouchier usual.

Rashad: It's just that... I feel like everyone especially Yuuki is getting stronger than me since they're able to hold out against Valt. Heck, even Bell and Pierce were able to defeat him when Savior Valkyrie was awakened.

Ilya: That's them and you're you. If it takes you a while to beat Valt Aoi it doesn't really matter so you shouldn't really care. Besides, if you defeat Valt Aoi in a better manner than Pierce and Bell did then everyone will forget about their Victory and focus on how you just won.

Rashad: *Smiles* I guess you're right. It wouldn't hurt to properly beat Valt Aoi even if it takes a while. And Y'Know, I want to defeat you too. Not just Valt.

(Ilya grins at Rashad as she Roller Skates away as Rashad just looks at her with a Smile)

Ilya (Thoughts): Rashad, you're not the only Person who is trying to get stronger. I'll eventually defeat both you and Valt Aoi. Just watch me do it and put you guys in your places.

(Ilya trips over something and tumbles down into the ground, Ilya gets up and takes off her Helmet to see Yuuki sitting against the wall)

Ilya: Watch where you daydream, buddy!

Yuuki: Technically, I can't watch where I daydream since I'm daydreaming and--

Ilya: Jeez. You don't need to get all smart with me.

Yuuki: You asked, that's your problem.

Ilya: Just who do you think you are?

Yuuki: Yuuki Katagiri, not like I'm anyone else.

Ilya: Ugh. First the Immature Children, then a Grochy Rashad, and now I have to feel with this slouch.

(Ilya Roller Skates away again and goes up to Wakiya who is currently watching the Ship head forward in the Sunny Skies)

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