Chapter 27: Awakening (Volume 2)

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Chapter 27: Awakening (Volume 2)

Elise gulped at the sight of two siblings. Her heart beats faster as her nervousness freely looms into veins, scaring her the most. Berry is awake! She did save Rj's sister! But Elise knows how much she changes the storyline of the book. There are always butterfly effects. Elise just realizes how foolish her move is, despite the danger she doesn't yet know, Elise looks at her friend. Alicia has tears in the corner of her eyes. Being the kind-hearted girl she was, she smiled while staring at the two siblings with adoration. Elise bit her lip, trying to calm her nerves, forgetting that she wasn't alone in the room and she's being transparent with her feelings. Elise finch when she heard a sob, Rio is crying, more emotional than Rj, made the surroundings lift as he joined the siblings in a tight hug. 

"I am so happy!" Rio muttered in his breath, Berry giggled not knowing why their childhood best friend was crying alongside her brother. 

"Watch out you punk! Don't touch my sister!" Rj scoffs, glaring at his friend. Pushing him so he won't touch even Berry's back. 

"Jeez! I'm celebrating here." Rio pouted, but Rj rolled his eyes and managed to ask Berry if is fine or if she was scared by the sudden action. 

Elise decided to stand up. Happy with the way things work out despite her anxiousness. She still likes to be considerate towards the trio. She looks at Alicia who is staring at her, waiting for her to do things or say something. Knowing her gesture that Elise wanted to go out and let them celebrate their mini-reunion. 

"I want to drink tea," Elise mumbled to Alicia and just like a snap, Rio looked at her side, accommodating smiles plastered to his lips, gleaming eyes that made Elise uncomfortable. 

"This way my lady." Rio pronounces, slightly bowing his head and letting Elise look at him with a weird expression. 

"Is he okay?" Elise silently asks Alicia who only nods with delight in her eyes. 

"I'll be going too," Nero commented, not wanting to disturb the sibling moment. 


They were seated in the reception room of the Grimald residence. The silence is deafening, and Elise is fine with that. She likes to be alone in her room to think of the next move and review the whole happenings in her life since she was transmigrated into this world. Elise has yet to talk to Rj to enroll Berry in the academy. It will help her more so she can control her power. Elise knows that Berry is a smart girl and she will be fine. She just needs a day or two of rest. 

"You did well." Nero compliments, staring at her eyes while Elise widens her eyes because of the sudden comment. 

"I think I need to rest," Alicia muttered after yawning, oblivious to the tension between the two people around her. 

Elise's heart never calms. She still feels the tension and fatigue of the events in her life. She needs a warm bath, a  good bed, and a long period of sleep so she won't think of anything and silently pray that she miraculously goes back into her world without any glitches. Elise pouted, looking for anything that could make her feel comfortable because of the obvious gaze by Nero. The last thing Elise needs right now is Nero's flickering gaze. If only she could shoo him away, not being worried about her head because of disrespecting the royal. 

"I prepare the bath and the comfortable room. Rj told me that everyone is tired and preparing for the resting chamber. I will call when the dinner is prepared." Rio happily announces, gesturing to them to go upstairs. 

"I will be back tomorrow morning," Nero muttered after staring long at Elise. She shivered with the heavy gaze in her. 

"Then I will escort you, your highness." Rio bow politely. Nero's lips formed a thin line, sighing at last, and started to walk away from them without any more words.


Elise is fast asleep when Rio goes to call for her dinner. Alicia decided to eat in her room, while Rj is busy with her sister. Rio is a little disappointed but he understands that every one of them is tired and rest is a better idea. He decided to close the door, carefully and quietly. 

In the middle of the dawn. There is a glimmering light in Elise's room. Her hair changes to blonde, her body is glowing while Elise is still asleep. There is a blinding light above her sleeping form and a familiar book appears. Making noise, plopping the pages. Elise is still in a deep slumber while the book above her changes the pages automatically. 

"Soon..." The voice says, the gentle voice of a girl. "I will wait for you." Then the golden light vanished, the whole room turned dark, and only small sparks of the light spread like a firework. After a minute, Elise's hair turns back to brown, not any hint about a golden light. No mystery voice speaking, the room turning to its original place. Elise never feels anything aside from calmness. 


Elise woke up because of the heavy thing above her chest. She cannot breathe and an alarming sound her body sends to her brain. She wakes up, eyes widened and half closing her eyes because of the blinding sun in her face. 

"Elise?" A familiar voice from someone but Elise chooses to ignore it. 

"Hey! Unusual soul!" Bwi called for her.

Elise in surprise meets the golden eyes gawking at her. She can see Bwi but his form is smaller than before. The black cat licking his paw stops and looks at Elise. 

"Bwi! You're alive!" Elise exclaimed, then hugged the slightly small cat. 

"Of course, I was you, dumb girl." Bwi rolled his golden eyes but let Elise hug him, while the latter giggled. 

"But, are you okay? you shrink." Elise in extended hand studies Bwi's new appearance, pouting the pig cat is long gone. 

"Hey stop genius! I use my power to heal you, I need to rest, I don't expect to be here this quick thanks to that... Anyway, stop hanging me! It's uncomfortable." Bwi hissed and Elise was polite enough to apologize while bringing him back to her lap. 

"I'm glad you're okay," Elise muttered, smiling at the cat. The golden eyes glimmer with satisfaction. 

Elise wanted to talk with Bwi but she's hungry. She doesn't remember eating last night but despite it, Elise still feels good. She had a good sleep and the body soreness is long gone. Elise gets out of the bed to wash. 

"Let's meet them and eat breakfast," Elise announces while letting Bwi fly closer to her. 

"Aye aye!" 

End of chapter 27.

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