Y/N the Bloodegde vs Torchwick

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The next day Team RWBY ask Team BLES to help them find Blake. Ruby explained to Y/N, Jin, Yu, and Hyde what happened and that Blake ran away. And the four boys decide to help the girls search for their missing teammate.

Ruby: Blake!

Y/N: Blake!

Jin: Blake!

Yu: Blake!

Hyde: Blake!

Yang: Blake!

They were walking around the city calling out for Blake. Y/N turned to glare at Weiss who was doing nothing to help.

Y/N: Hey Ice Queen, are you gonna just stand there or are you gonna help?

Weiss: Oh You know who might be able to help? The Police!

Ruby: (Ruby crosses her arms)Ugh, Weiss

Weiss: It was just an idea!

Hyde: Yeah a bad one.

They started walking again 

Jin: Weiss we can't just assume that Blake's in the White Fang because she faunus.

Yang: Jin's right. Weiss, I think we should hear her side of the story before we jump to any conclusions.

Weiss: I think that when we hear it, you'll realize I was right!

Penny: And I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful today!

Team RWBY and Team BLES quickly turned around with shocked expressions when they saw Penny appear out of nowhere.

Ruby: AAAH! Penny! Where did you come from!?

Penny: Hello guys! What are you up to?

Ruby: uh...

Yu: We're looking for our friend, Blake.

Penny: Oh you mean the Faunus girl.

Ruby: Wait, how did you know that?

Penny: (pointing at the top of her head) Uh The cat ears?

Yang: What cat ears? She wears a...boooh...

The group stood in silence for a few seconds while a tumbleweed rolled past them.

Y/N: (with sarcastic look on his face)How did we not see that coming?

Ruby:(whispering) She does like tuna a lot.

Penny: So where is she?

Ruby: We don't know. She's been missing since Friday.

Penny: gasp

Penny ran up to Ruby and Y/N.

Penny: That's terrible! Well don't worry Ruby and Y/N, my friends! I won't rest until we find your teammate!

Ruby: (nervously) uh That's really nice of you. But we're okay right guys

Ruby and Y/N looked over Penny's shoulder to see that their team had disappeared.

Y/N:(sigh) Of course they're gone.

Once again there was a moment of silence and tumbleweed blow pass three teens.

Penny: It sure is windy today.


It's was night, Ruby, Y/N, and Penny were walking around Vale still searching for Blake.

Penny: So Blake is your friend?

Ruby: (sigh)Yes Penny

Y/N: Yeah I guess

Azure Rose (male Ragna reader x Ruby) Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now