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 The village wasn't superstitious- just cautious. Any town surrounded by a forest as imposing as Willowglade would be. Every plant that grew within its borders seemed to almost pulsate with magic, and the trees grew larger than any had seen before. The few who braved the woods to collect herbs always returned with tales of whispers floating on the wind, and animals behaving in strange ways.

 All who lived in the village believed that the forest was home to the Fair Folk. And perhaps it was nonsense and rumour, but people stayed away nonetheless.

 Lydia did not.

 It wasn't teenage rebellion that drew her to Willowglade, not exactly. She obeyed her parents in every other way. She carried out her chores and childminding with a smile, and never spoke a harsh word against anyone. But ever since she was a little girl, Lydia had felt connected to the forest. She walked among the trees and sang with the birds, swam in the cool streams, and dozed on the mossy floor. 

  When she was washing dishes or looking after her siblings, Lydia longed for the forest. When she was there, she never wanted to leave. Willowglade was an escape, one that she often made.

 Never had she seen any trace of the Fair Folk, but never had she really looked. And when magic finally did  cross her path, she found more than she could ever dare to dream of.

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