Part 2: Exploring

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 The moon was a sharp crescent in the night sky. Its dim light filtered through Lydia's window. She lay on her thin mattress, waiting for her chance to leave. When the sounds of the house ceased, she crept to her bedroom door and pressed her ear against it. All was quiet, a good sign. Some nights Lydia's parents would hold whispered arguments for hours after the children went to bed. On those nights she didn't dare leave the house. But tonight, she was free.

 Lydia padded across the stone floor in her bare feet, making no noise as she eased herself out of her window. The silent walk to the treeline always terrified her, as she was easily visible from the cottage's back windows. But there was no need for worry; soon enough she entered the cool embrace of the forest. 

 Lydia didn't have a plan- she never did. She was content to simply wander beneath the trees, humming to herself. 

 She passed almost an hour in this fashion before noticing a faint glow from the corner of her eye. Turning, she spotted a small path leading off from the main trail. How strange; she had passed this way dozens of times, and yet never seen this lane. Curiosity outweighing her unease, she left the trail and began to follow it. 

 The passage was covered in soft moss, which cradled her bare feet as she walked. Trees lined each side in an eerily straight formation. There were no pathways leading in other directions; whoever made this route intended it to be followed to its conclusion.

 As Lydia walked, a small voice whispered from the back of her mind. "This is a bad idea. You should turn around while you still can." 

 Lydia shook the thought away. She had explored this forest hundreds of times; she knew it better than anyone else in the village, and nothing sinister had ever occurred. She wasn't going to let any internalized superstition keep her from her favourite place. With that thought, the path abruptly ended and Lydia found herself standing at the entrance to a small clearing. She gasped in amazement at the sight that beheld her. 

 The clearing was covered in gorgeous flowers, blooming  in the moonlight. Each one glittered like a jewel, and their sweet fragrance filled the air. The trees that bordered this space were tall and full, with shining green leaves. A small pool sat in one corner of the glade, which must have been connected to the river further in the forest; Lydia could hear water softly burbling over stones. 

 Lydia took a few cautious steps forward, gazing around in wonder. Despite the darkness blanketing every other part of the forest, this place seemed unnaturally bright. She could clearly see every detail of the clearing, right down to the dewdrops settled on each flower. She took a deep breath of the sweet air, feeling more relaxed than she had in months. Settling herself on the moss, Lydia absently traced the pattern of a nearby tree's bark. Eyes closed, her mind began to drift away. 

 She didn't hear soft footsteps approaching the clearing, a whisper of breath, or the rustling of tree branches. She didn't see a shadow fall over the flowers. Lydia was blissfully unaware of any new presence until the figure spoke, jolting her out of her reverie. 

 "Well, what do we have here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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