"Please Janine, I need your help to get the Hub open again."

        "That's your strategy?!"

        "It's the only chance we have, Janine! Whatever's behind this whole mess is in the Hub, and we'll never get out if we don't face it. I can feel it, Janine. It's like I'm being drawn to it."

        "Did you forget that Sam died in there?! She was murdered when she went in there, MURDERED!"

        "You don't need to remind me, Janine. But what other choice do we have? We either escape, die trying, or die anyway. Whatever's in there is important enough to kill for."

        "You're insane. And you're on your own!"

        "Wait, Janine, what if I found out without a shadow of a doubt what's inside the Hub? Would you help me then?"

        "...If it was safe. It'd have to be really, REALLY safe. Like a petting zoo or equivalent. And you'd still be going in on your own."

        "That's fine, Janine. Thank you."

        "...is that all you need, Theo?"

        "Well, I did want to ask you about one more thing. Have you seen any...changes in the hallway?"

        "No, I can't say I do."



        "You don't see it...transforming? Becoming some sort of dungeon...brick walls, blood everywhere, dirt floor?"

        "What are you talking about? Isn't it always like that?" Her reply left my legs weak. If I hadn't already been on the floor, I'm sure I would've collapsed.

        "Okay. I'll talk to you later Janine," and I hung up before she could respond. So much was on me at once, my brain felt overwhelmed and overworked. I had a pounding headache and the entire medical bay was empty, except for some random liquids. I wasn't a fan of the idea, but considering I didn't want this headache to evolve into a migraine, I decided that checking the medical supply room was better than letting it fester. I just prayed I would not run into the tall man as I slipped the door open.

        "!" There was a man at the other end of the room, a man who was all too familiar. He turned around and I screamed. The guard...he was still alive! By some twisted trick of fate, here he was!

        "Who are you? Could you tell me where I am?" I was still in a state of severe disbelief, although the sirens of danger in my head had stopped.

        "Y-you're- You're dead! I saw you die!"

        "Dead?... ...Yes...I remember being dead. But I don't remember you."

        "You...your guts were torn out! The blood's still right there!" I pointed to the sizable puddle near his feet, maggots and flies crunching on the last of the gory entrails.

        "Honestly?...Huh. Perhaps it's best that I don't remember. So, where am I?"

        "...this is impossible."

        "Are you going to answer my questions anytime soon?" His accent was decidedly sharp on that last tone, and I snapped out of my shock. No matter how shocked I was, it wouldn't change the fact that a dead man was standing in front of me, living, breathing, blood restored...I couldn't even think of my blistering headache at that moment, and even if I could, the medical supply room had been stripped of anything and everything useful and left in a hurry.

6 Days A Sacrifice: The (Un)Official Novelization (Chzo Mythos #4)Where stories live. Discover now