She was wearing a red short sleeved t-shirt, at the recommendation of Pang Shuisheng. He said that it was an eye catching color, so she'd be easier to find when she got lost. Her ponytail was tied with a wide, red hair tie. She continually stared out the window, as if watching some kind of shadow puppet show.

When the train started moving, Pang Qian's face clearly showed her surprise. Then, she quietly calmed down, leaning against Gu Mingxi's side like a good little rabbit.

It took three hours by train to get from E City to Shanghai. After awhile, that new, exciting feeling faded for Pang Qian. She pulled out a comic book from her backpack, along with a pack of Lonely Gods (potato twists). With some crinkling, she pulled open the package, eating as she read.

Of course, she didn't forget to occasionally feed Gu Mingxi some snacks. This action was too intimate. He soon felt the even more surprised gazes of the passengers around him, and his face burned up.

After the train had traveled for half an hour, the grandmother of the elderly couple sitting across from them couldn't help but ask Pang Qian, "Little Miss, where are you two going?"

Pang Qian lifted her head to look at her, her comic and snacks still in hands. She answered honestly, "Shanghai."

"Just the two of you? What are you doing in Shanghai?"

Pang Qian was about to answer when Gu Mingxi opened his mouth, "Our parents are working in Shanghai. We're going there for summer vacation."

"Oh..." The old woman seemed to realize, "You two are siblings?"

Gu Mingxi nodded, "Mm."

"How old are you two?"

"We're in high school," Gu Mingxi answered calmly. "My younger sister just looks small, but she's already gotten her resident ID card (you get this at age 16)."

The grandmother looked at Pang Qian suspiciously. Pang Qian's lips still had some crumbs on them. With her timid looking eyes and face, no matter how you looked at it, she still seemed very young.

After a moment of silence, the old grandmother asked Gu Mingxi, "Student, what happened to your two arms?"

Gu Mingxi was wearing a white and grey plaid shirt, two empty short sleeves hanging on his sides. The nothingness at his cuffs made people really want to ask about it. He smiled slightly and answered simply, "When I was younger, I accidentally got electrocuted by a transformer."

"Ah... What a shame for such a pretty boy." The old grandmother's tone was filled with sympathy and pity. Pang Qian became irritable and pouted. She stuffed her comic and not yet finished bag of snacks back into her backpack. Her actions were very big and noisy. Then she put her head down on the table and slept.

With her head resting on her arm, she heard Gu Mingxi politely say to the grandmothers, "My sister is like that, very willful."

You're the willful one! Pang Qian vented in her mind.

"Little girls are always like that," the grandmother said. "You should tell your parents not to spoil her like that. When she gets older and joins society, looks for a boyfriend or a job, she will suffer from it."

Gu Mingxi said with a laughing tone, "I know."

Then the grandmother started to talk about her daughter-in-law. About how headstrong, unreasonable, and immature she was. Gu Mingxi didn't interrupt her at all. After about 20 minutes of talking, Pang Qian, in her drowsy state, heard Gu Mingxi say, "Grandmother, actually, my sister is very obedient and pleasant. She's just a bit immature now, but when she grows up, she will definitely be a very good girl."

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