El comerciante

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(Sofia's POV)

I woke up from a small room that I was given in a hotel. The owner took a liking in me and she said that I could stay there for as long as possible. I woke up and saw that little Antonio was fast asleep in my bed. I set up a hammock that was above him, just to make sure that her wouldn't escape. After getting ice cream yesterday and going to a park, Antonio had so much fun he was exhausted. I had to carry him back to my place. I went out to get some breakfast for me and Antonio and I saw on the news that every single child that was about the age of 15 had to come to the Madrigal's casita for Camilo and Maribel's arranged marriage. 

On the bottom it wrote, "We will know who comes and who doesn't"

Ugh, I hated them even more now. I grabbed 2 plates of scrambled eggs with hot sauce and some bacon. 

I opened the door and Antonio was awake sitting up. 

"Here is some breakfast. Do you want hot sauce?" I asked.

"Yes please!" Antonio said in his cute little voice.

"A man with taste. Good job!" I said, handing him a siracha bottle. He dumped out a LOT of hot sauce for a kid his age. 

He quickly ate it up and asked, "What are we going to do today? I wanna do something fun! OH! Let's climb the most TALLEST tree in Encanto!" 

I sadly shook my head. "I'm sorry pequeño, but I can't risk you being seen. I'll bring you something, okay?"

"But, what will I do while waiting?" he asked.

"Hmm, have you ever had something called a television?" I asked.

"No, what is it?" 

"Well, pequeño, it is this little thing right here and you can watch anything you want on it." I said, giving him my small remote.

"Anything?" He asked, looking at it with disbelief. 

"Anything, when I come back, we will climb the TALLEST most GIGANTIC most TALLEST tree in Encanto!" I said.

He giggled, "You said tallest twice."

"Ay, my old brain. Gotta go! Bye!" I said about to close the door, until I poked my head in and said, "Don't escape."

He nodded and turned on the tv. I waited 5 min. before leaving, and I heard a lot of, "WOAH!"'s and "Oooh, that's cool!" 

Time to go to the Madrigal's casita.

(Camilo's POV)

I was getting cleaned up for all the people to come. Abuela made sure that Maribel and I married someone. When Isabela was greeting people, this stunning girl that I saw with long black hair that shifted into a gradient blue, with pretty silver eyes, tan skin, long, skinny legs, and a short sleeved blouse tucked under a black to blue gradient, just like her hair came in. Her face wasn't powdered in makeup like all the other girls here. They were free of makeup and she stood out being the only girl who didn't have her hair a different as a full blonde or a full brunette. She was beautiful and unique in her own way. 

I approached her and said, "Hola bonita, how is your fine day today?"

She scowled at me and said, "Don't call me that, and it was fine, until I got to come here."

I was looking at her strangely. Who doesn't like the Madrigal's?

"Well, welcome to-" "the Madrigal's casita" she said, as she cut me off with an exact imitation of my voice.

"Wow! How did you do that?" I asked in wonder.

"Do what? Mimic you? I'm quite good at it. Look, I'm Dolores, you sister." she said, shifting her voice from mine, to Dolores'.

"Cool! We would be a great pranking team!" I said.

"No thanks. I'm good." she said, walking away.

Hmph, if she didn't like me, then I would change her mind about me. If it was the last thing I do.

(Sofia's POV)

"Welcome everyone! We are here to find the best suitor for my grandchildren Maribel and Camilo." Alma said. 

I quietly slipped away and changed into La Fugitiva. This was going to be good.

"Hello, Alma" I said, as I spread out my hands.

"La Fugitiva." Alma said, coldly.

"GET HER!" A bratty voice said. Ugh, it was the towns bossiest girl, Rosa (Ok, I mean no hate for people who are named Rosa, but this is just for the sake of the book)

"Oh yeah? Catch me if you can!" I said, tauntingly. 

Camilo was the first person to run out to get me. This was going to be even more interesting, considering, I was the one who kidnapped his little brother.

I sharply turned a corner, and he quickly followed. Ughhh, this was going to be hard.

"Wait! Wait! I just want to make a deal!" Camilo said.

I quickly stopped and he rammed into me. 

"OW! Watch it! I could kill your little brother with the snap of my fingers." I said.

"Ok, ok. I want to trade. Antonio for something that you want, anything." he said.

I thought this through. If I got the miracle, for Antonio, then they wouldn't be able to stop me, and I could live in peace. But if I helped him, then I think that it would be worth it. 

"I'll trade Antonio if I can help you with something."

"Strange offer, but I'll take it up. I need help with getting rid of this arranged marriage thing."

"Oh yeah? Do you have a plan in mind?" 

"Yeah, I do." He said, while smirking.

"Date me."

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