A mother's love

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(Sofia's POV)

I had woke up at 5 AM and headed over to the Madrigal's casita. I looked over at the window that Julieta told me to go to. She was already there, making churros. My mouth watered at the sight of it and the smell, mmm, it was fabulous!

"Morning Julieta." I said, in my civilian form.

"Morning Sofia. What brings you here at 5 AM?" she asked.

"Hmm, oh. I'm La Fugitiva." I said. She dropped her whisk in the chocolate and had her mouth open.

"Y-You're La Fugitiva?" she asked.

"Mmhm. Can I please have breakfast?" I asked.

"Oh! Of course, here it is. They're churros and here is some chocolate. I hope to see you more around the casita often. It's nice to have someone who isn't as snobby as Mirabel's suitor, but, then again, they're kinda similar." Julieta said.

"Oooh, don't go around gossiping about your daughter Julieta." I said, joking.

Julieta laughed and I saw Pepi in the background.

"Hola Pepi." I said.

"Sofia? What are you doing up so early?" she asked.

"I'm La Fugitiva. Please, tell the others that, except for Alma. It's quite tiring really." I said.

"Sure, does Camilo know?" Pepi asked. Julieta paused what she was doing to listen to this conversation.

"Yeah, he was actually the first to figure out." I said.

"Did someone say me?" Camilo said, making a dramatic entrance.

"Si, Sofia's here, well, outside. Why don't you come in?" Pepi said.

I climbed the window and crawled in. Casita greeted me by moving it's tiles.

I laughed. "Hola casita!" 

"Hey! I don't get an hola? Or a buenos dias guapo?" Camilo asked.

"Naw, at least casita is funnier than you." I said, lightly shoving him.

"Hmph." Camilo said, folding his arms, and pouting.

"Ay hijo, don't get so sensitive." Pepi said.

"But mama..." Camilo started.

"Jeez, why are you all so loud?" Agustin said. His mouth dropped when he saw me.

"SOFIA! I haven't seen you in ages! How is your familia?" he asked. I stopped chewing at the word familia.

"I don't have one. They're all dead." I said, in a deadly whisper.

"WHAT?! WHO'S DEAD?" Felix exclaimed, bursting in the kitchen.

"Wow, that looks like all the adults." I said.

"Sofia?! What are you doing here? It's like, 5: 10 in the morning?" Felix asked.

"She's La Fugitiva." Pepi said.

Felix stared at me, and said, "You? You're La Fugitiva? Dios mio, you didn't seem like her." 

"Hmm, yeah." I said, finishing off my churro. Camilo stole my last one. 

I noticed this and gasped. I said, "CAMILO! GIVE ME BACK MY FOOD!" 

He quickly swallowed it and said, "What churro?" 

Julieta helped me out and threw some flour at him. He couldn't see what was in front of him and I quickly jumped out the window and ran to his room. I layed down on his bed and waited for him to come. He did, a few minutes later. When he saw me laying on his bed, he smirked.

"Hola Sofia." he said.

"Hola Camilo." I replied. All of a sudden he started to kiss me. I leaned back to escape him. 

He whined. "Aww, I wanna kiss you." he said.

"No, because you're still covered in flour." I said, booping his nose.

"Fine. If I clean up, then can I kiss you?" he asked.

I thought for a second and said, "Fine."

"YAY! Bye!" he said, disappering in his bathroom.

I stood back up and walked around his room. It was interesting and had interacte designs. It almost looked like he painted it. 

Just as I predicted he didn't take so long. I was tracing my finger on a Madrigal family painting. I saw Mirabel, Alma, Pepi, Julieta and everybody else in the Madrigal family.

"Did you paint this?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's not my best painting. Want to paint? We can see who paints the best." Camilo said, leading me towards 2 blank canvas's. There were already a set of paints. The paintbrushes were very fresh and new, and were clean. 

"3...2...1... GO!" Camilo yelled. I already had a thing to paint. I was going to paint Camilo shapeshifting into Alma and doing the L sign. 

I pulled out the yellow paints and started to paint it. I needed an outline first though.

"Camilo, do you have any black markers?" I asked.

"Si, it's over there on my desk." Camilo said, pointing to a messy desk.

"Ughhh, I can't find anything in this mess." I said.

"It's right there on the chair." Camilo said, still painting.

I grabbed it and started to sketch out Camilo. I made Alma extra ugly and made her have a really long nose and ugly green warts. It has been about 30 minutes since we started. 

"DONE!" We both yelled at the same time.

"Ready to show each other?" I asked.

"Yep! 3...2...1... NOW!" Camilo said, as we flipped over our canvas's and he drew a wedding that looked like an older me, and an older him, and he was picking me up bridal style. 

"Wow, that's the best drawing I've ever seen. Can I keep it?" He asked.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind your Abuela seeing it and getting pissed off." I said, handing him the now dryed painting. 

"Thanks. I can't wait to show the rest of the familia... besides Abuela." Camilo said.

I checked the time. It was noon and I was about to make my big plan. 

"I gotta go. TATA!" I said, jumping out his window.

It was time for the plan to begin.

Why bother? (Camilo Madrigal x OC)Where stories live. Discover now