Prologue: the haunted bus

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Miko POV:

I miss Hana. 

Those were the words ringing in my head, I can't believe I decided to take the bus. 

"Excuse me but could you please give this woman your seat?" 

I started to draw my attention to the front of the bus, there was visibly a blonde student ignoring what looked to be a working-class woman. That wasn't what drew my attention though, it was the monster that was standing their latching onto the blonde student.

Shiny, rich...shiny, rich...perfect. 

Those were the words I heard it mutter, the people around didn't bat an eye. 

To describe such a thing would be calling it a monster. With eyes filled with black voids, three legs and a malformed body with no arms. The head was missing a huge chunk of hair and the brain being visible.

Shiny, rich...shiny, rich...perfect.

It looked like the monster was specifically haunting the blonde-haired boy. Oh no, the monster started looking at me.

Shiny, rich...shiny, rich...perfect.

It stared me in the eyes, slowly creeping its way toward me. I could barely hear people in the front arguing. The monster was now blocking the aisle to the stairs down to the lower portion of the bus. I looked around, anywhere but at the damn monster. Left, backwards, then right, meeting the gaze of a brown-haired boy. Locking eye's with him, it was as if one of us waiting for the other to break the contact. The endless abyss from his eyes, I felt like I was being sucked in by them. Then, all of the sudden the monster was in front of my face blocking the contact. I kept staring holes through this thing, where is my opening? When will it leave me alone?

Shiny, rich...shiny, rich...perfect.

It seemed after about two minutes of staring and not saying a word, the monster bought the fact that I'm just weird. It then turned around to the boy, it moved to a position where I could now see the boy again. 

It seemed something I overlooked when coming on this bus, it was comprised of mostly students with the same uniform. I was still locked eyes with the same boy. The monster was still saying the same stuff. I suppose it didn't surprise me most the time, I have grown used to the usual monster. But it was not like it will ever be normalized. All these gross creatures that looked to be out of a horror movie.

The monster did the same thing to the boy that he did to me, this time the monster seemed to react to him. 


All of the sudden the spirit exploded. What was that? Did he just destroy the ghost? It wasn't like I saw him do anything weird. But the ghost exploded when it looked at him. I need to know who exactly he is.

The boy seemed to turn his attention back to the front, it seems he lost! 

"Is there anyone willing to give up their seat?" a popular looking girl said at the front, it seems a lot has happened since I started looking at the b-monster. 

I got off the bus, students came pouring out, so I just waited. The very last person to get off was the boy from earlier, he glanced at me before continuing to walk by himself.

"Hey, you," I yelled to him, he turned around sighing. This was the best opportunity for me to do this. "Do you happen to have a name Mr. death stare."

He stared at me for a little bit before saying anything. Seriously, who is this guy? I didn't mean anything wrong by it. I at least wanted to know someone before entering the school. 

"Isn't it customary to tell people your name first?" he said with an emotionless voice, creepy. It almost reminded me of the monsters I saw, at least they held emotion. 

"Haha yeah," how embarrassing "My name is Miko Yotsuya, it is nice to officially meet you. I am in class 1-D."

"Likewise, my name is Kiyotaka Ayanokoji," he kept the same tone "I am also in class 1-D, I hope to have a rematch. It is nice to meet you Yotsuya-san."

"You can just call me Miko, Kiyotaka," he nodded at this, still not changing expression!

"Would you like to walk to the entrance ceremony together, Miko?" I smiled, holding my hand for a high five. He stared for about 10 seconds before finally high fiving me. Seriously, I know I can see ghosts and all, but he has to be weirder than any ghost I've had the unfortunate opportunity to encounter. Though, it looked almost as if he radiated an oddly, almost golden aura, similar to Hana. Except it seemed like he repelled the monsters and ghosts, my own personal prayer person. Was he a religious person then?

All of these types of question popped into my head as we made idle chat to the ceremony, the student council president giving a speech. 

"Welcome to the advanced nurturing high school." 

Chapter finished!!!

I haven't finished watching Mieruko-chan, so I need to get that done on top of uploading my Hayasaka chapter for y'all if are interested. 

I got the idea from watching some schmentai on reddit with poor ol' Miko. I decided to watch the anime, inspiring my cote crossover senses to tingle. 

I hope it is lovely to everyone, I enjoyed writing it so I hope you enjoy reading it.

Have a great day!

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