Chapter 4

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3rd POV - The Next Day

Orel sat in his now empty classroom, shuffling through papers and grading homework. Even after he told Trevor that he was calling his father, he still acted up for the rest of class, earning Orel an in-person visit with his dad the next day. He was always very serious about good behavior and respect, so he figured being bold at the very beginning would do the trick.

They scheduled to meet at around 4:15, but unsurprisingly to Orel, he was almost 40 minutes late. I mean, his classroom isn't that hard to find, and there's no way he lives that far away from the school.

At that moment, Mr. Secondopinionson trudged towards his desk, rubbing his left eye. He was a tall man, definitely taller than Orel, and wore a stained t-shirt underneath his beat up black jacket that had visible tears. He shared a striking resemblance to his son in terms of facial features, and this time, it really jogged Orels memory.

The sound of the door slamming behind him made the brunette jump, and he then hastily put aside the pile of worksheets he had assigned previously to make room for him to clasp his hands in an effort to look more professional. "Good evening. Joe, was it? Sorry, my brains' been a little scrambled recently," Joe slumped into his seat and ruffled his hair, a small grin beginning to split his face. "Yea. So what's this about my kid?" Enough strands of hair were out of the way for Orel to really get a good look at his face. Dark circles had accumulated under his deep hazel eyes, and a light stubble wrapped around his jawline, giving him a rugged look. His hair looked equally unkept, as it was tousled and dirty.

"Uhm, well, I just wanted to let you know that Trevor has been a bit of a distraction in class lately. He-"

"How so?" Joe interrupted, leaning back into the cushion of the chair. "..He has been shooting spitballs at me and disrupting the learning of other students. I wanted to touch base with you and see if we could somehow help your son,"

"Sorry, he's been takin' the move pretty hard. The boy has lived in Moralton his whole life," Orels eyes widened slightly and he unclaped his right hand to scratch his neck. "Oh! I used to live in Moralton when I was a kid too, heh,"

"Hah! I knew it! Your Orel, Orel Puppington, no doubt about it!" Joe busted into laughter and held he head down towards the desk with his fists against the wooden surface.

Suddenly, all the memories came flooding back to Orel; this was the Joe Secondopinionson. "Ah, pardon me, I didn't know it was you at first, Joe. Its nice to see you after all this time,"

"It sure is, I missed seeing pretty church boy every day," Joe bit his lip and rested his cheek on his palm, grinning from ear to ear.

"Uh, uhm, yea," he trailed off, feeling his blush deepen and spread across his face.

"We should catch up sometime, huh? Could I maybe get your personal phone number?"

Orel hesitantly ripped off a sticky note from a nearby pad and slowly wrote down his digits. "Erm, alright. Feel free to call me whenever,"

"Thanks. Hey, so, we're probably gonna have to talk about Trevor some other day. I'm pretty busy tonight," Orel almost rolled his eyes at this, but put on a gentle smile and nodded. "Well, okay. This is serious, though, I won't be accepting this behavior in my classroom,"

Joe cackled under his breath and winked at the man behind the desk. "Seeya Orel~"

A/n: sooo the two have finally met once again because of Joe's punkass little dumbass kid ((who was held back btw i feel like i should make that clear rn)....................this chap may go under heavy editing lol

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