Chapter 3

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3rd POV

It had been almost 2 months since the divorce was finalized, and Orel had taken a few weeks off from his job teaching at Melissa Bell Middle School. As it was his first day back, he had come in earlier than usual to put the finishing touches on his lesson plans.

When the clock struck 8:30 A.M., a few clusters of kids swarmed into the classroom and took their seats whilst chatting to one another.

"Mr. Puppington, your back!" Penny Brown exclaimed as she skipped towards Orel to give him a welcome-back hug. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Penny. Its good to see you again," Even for an 8th grader, the young girl was full of energy and had plenty of love to share. She was Orels favorite, and seeing her helped to slightly dull the pain.

Orel clapped his hands together rhythmically, signaling for everyone to return to their seats while he scrolled through his laptop to open the attendance page.

At the call of their name, each student raised their hand and called, 'here' as Orel moved down the list of kids. When he got down to the S's, there was one name he didn't remember seeing before, and that name was Trevor Secondopinionson.

"Uhm, Trevor? Sorry, are you new here?" The boy rolled his eyes and grunted in response. He had deep, mahogany hair that looked unkempt, and he was a bit bigger than the rest of the class.

Orel shook his head, mumbling under his breath, "Ah, wait, the staff told me about you," He cleared his throat and adjusted his tie in an instant. "Yes, Trevor, I'm sorry I wasn't here for your arrival. I'm happy to have you join my class!"

The more Orel taught his lesson, the more familiar Trevor seemed. His facial features, his shaggy hair, but what most stood out was his last name.

His thoughts were interrupted by a wet ball of paper that bounced off his cheek, coming from the very back of the class. Trevor and two other boys, presumably the friends he made while Orel was gone, were snickering up a storm and trying to hold back their laughs.

"Hey, you three, knock it off back there. If it happens again, I'm calling your parents," Trevor gave a nasty sneer at the man while the other two bowed their heads in shame. He was most certainly the bravest of the bunch, and didn't seem at all phased by Orels words.

The brunette turned his back towards the board once again to continue his speech about how to solve an algebraic equation when he felt another small pellet hit him right in the center of his head.

Orel whipped his head around to find the same three kids chuckling even louder this time. "Boys, Im going to have to phone your parents,"

"But, we didn't do anything! It was all Trevor!", Angel pleaded, knowing that it was easy to get off scott-free with Mr. Puppington if you begged enough. The other boy, Mikey, nodded in agreement and crossed his arms to his chest. The duo was known for causing trouble in the classroom, but they never went to this extent to disrupt a lesson.

Trevor just grinned at this. "Fine, I don't care, my dad probably won't even care! He's always busy, and could beat you up any day," Orel frowned, thinking, 'poor kid, must not have a good home life'.

"We can continue this conversation later, Trevor,"

Christina runs off to be a lesbian (real)

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