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Prince of Udaipur . A believer ,a hard worker . Has gone through so many things in his childhood . Lost his brother ,his family ,his love, everything and has nothing to be happy for, which makes him cold as ice . His heart was taken away ,just his body is living . But he can be the best person in your life , if you understand him truly. He don't know if his family is alive ,never turned back to India after he was moved to Australia  for safety reasons . He has loved a girl since he was 9 and is sure she is alive but couldn't find her . Avneet and abhi are his only friends from childhood ,but their death took his happiness with them . Music and Harry potter is his life now and has a horse named 'Badal', his only reason to smile. Studying MBA in Australia . Lives with his care taker Mrs. joe , mother figure to him . HE changes his name and identity to stay safe , KRISH SHAH, and leaves a peaceful normal life.

Has a twin brother ,who he thinks has died ,never seen him in 10 years . Abhishek nigam !



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A swag king and Heir of Nigam Dynasty ,just because he is 13 minutes elder than his twin brother and bestfriend Siddharth nigam . Misses his family and his only friends from childhood,avneet and siddharth .Has a king attitude already . Has got the charm to make any girl fall for him ,but he doesn't fall for anyone ; he believes that all his close ones are alive and safe,just wishes to meet them again .He is a nerd  introvert infront of the world but not in front of his bestfriend ,Vaishnavi .Has a obsession for apple products and cars . He loves his dog ,who he names Wasooli bhai, to the moon and back . He is studying MBA in new york with vaishnavi and lives with His care taker karishma . Changes his name to ROHIT KUMAR and only vaish knows his real identity and name .

He has a twin brother and a soul sister (avneet).



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A dreamer and a sweet girl .She believes in fairytales and is waiting for her prince charming . HAs a different attachment with stars .She lost her parents at very young age and thus can understand what abhishek is going through . He speaks less ,she understands more . Photography is her hobby and especially capturing abhi is what she really loves . Lives with him in his small cozy house with Karishma .Is a nerd but who is fun to be around .  Beauty with brains . Abhi is only family to her . 

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