𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚎𝚗 ➪ 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚔𝚎𝚗𝚍

Start from the beginning

"I have to ask Harry..." I spoke a little quieter, "did you put your name into the goblet of fire?"

Harry gave me a look. I couldn't quite figure out if it was a look of surprise, anger, disappointment, or sadness. "Do you really think I would do that?" He asked in a quiet voice and I sighed.

"Of course not, but I just had...to make sure.." I gave him a sad smile and he sighed before shaking his head. "No I didn't," he responded, "and I didn't get anyone else to do it for me either. Rons being a complete arse over this and just can't-...I don't want eternal glory I just wanna be..." he sighed, and I could tell he was restraining himself from saying something bad.

I leaned up and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him. He returned the hug after a brief hesitation and wrapped his arms around my waist, burying his head into my neck. I could tell he was hurt. I was so incredibly furious at whoever put Harry's name in that damn goblet. I wanted to help but I didn't know how.

He told me about the argument him and Ron had last night. However I did take in mind that this was only one side of the story. According to Harry, Ron was being an arse and accusing him of putting his name into the goblet of fire. And when Harry denied it, he didn't listen and told him to piss off. This disagreement him and Ron got into had obviously riled him up. I could tell by the tone of his voice. Ron was supposed to be his best friend, but I can kind of understand why he would lash out on something like this.

Wether he likes it or not Harry Potter is a famous person. And I guess Ron sometimes feels a little unimportant when they're together. And now it looks as though Harry is rooting for eternal glory and Ron is now become jealous of the more popularity and attention his best friend is going to get. Wether he likes it or not, Ron will always be: Ron Weasley, Harry Potter's best friend. Not the other way around.

However, he didn't have the right to go off on Harry like that without hearing the full story. I didn't speak my opinion, however I just listened and nodded along as Harry rambled on to me the entire two hours of breakfast. He was that busy taking to me that he didn't even realise when Ron and Hermione both came walking into the Great Hall. Hermione clocked me and I gave her the look. She then proceeded to bring Ron to the other end of the Gryffindor table, and sat down to eat their breakfast far from Harry and I.

The next few days were rather weird to say the least. Especially since, after Friday, it was the weekend, meaning we had no lessons to go to. Also meaning it was going to be harder to avoid certain people. And now thanks to the the whole difference of opinion between Harry and Ron, the friendship group was now having a dispute and it was rather hard for the four of us to hang out all together. Hermione and I talked it over Friday night, and decided she would stick with Ron and I would stick with Harry for the time being, since neither of them really had any other real friends to spend time with. However we did decide that after the weekend was over, and they had both had time to calm down, we would try our best to get them to become friends again. Which was easier said than done of course, but hopefully not impossible.

Saturday, Harry and I spent breakfast eating together at the Hufflepuff table with Poppy, my brother and his friends, while Hermione and Ron sat with Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas at the Gryffindor table. After breakfast was over Harry and I went to the quidditch pitch to mess around on our broomsticks. I actually had a really good time. We raced each other, played games and had some really nice chats. I didn't even realise how fast the time had passed until it was time for lunch.

After lunch, we made our way to the library to finish our homework for the week, but just ended with us sat in the corner throwing paper balls at each other. We did get told off by the librarian and had to clean up our mess and leave. I then took him down to the Hufflepuff common room and we chilled on the sofa, eating sweets and chatting by the fire. It was rather quiet since most people were either outside or in the library.

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