a very innocent misunderstanding

Start from the beginning

"liu yangyang! do you not have an ounce of loyalty? how can you speak like this!" she scolded, leaving him in a baffled state.

bewildered, he glanced towards the others, wondering if this was another one of their pranks.

"what are you on about?"

"i'm talking about bella. she's been giving you all this love and now you've taken it for granted!" maya was eminently furious, eyebrows knitted.

"how do you know about bella?"

jaemin shrugged "we have our ways." he then folded his arms across his chest "so are you going to tell us?"

his friends glared menacingly waiting for every detail to be spilled. instead, a single teardrop came sliding down his face. he hiccuped back a sob before wiping his eyes with the back of his sleeve.

"wait oh no baby are you crying?" jaemin gasped, immediately throwing his hands over his shoulder and pulling him into a consoling hug.

the others shared some stiff glances. now this was a little awkward.

"no! bella left me!" he revealed striking guilt in the remaining young adults for grilling him beforehand.

"what happened? i thought you guys were doing fine?"

"she was but now she's left me, for my uncle!" he buried his face in his hands "it's because he's a doctor."

maya leaned in towards her boyfriend and whispered in his ear "dang looks like bella likes rich dilfs."

"looks like someone's not invited to family dinners."

"i just wish she stayed longer before leaving. i was planning on giving her this." after rummaging through his pockets, he brought out a seemingly expensive navy case. gasps filled the room once it was open.

"is that real diamonds?" renjun was astonished just how rich was this guy?

"that's what you're focused on? it's a leash! this guy likes pet play?" maya whispered horror-struck by the information disclosed.

"oh yangs, wow i didn't know you were into that." yubin gulped, inching away from him.

"yeah of course i am, i always loved doing this kinda stuff." he stated as it was plain obvious "me and the guys are going to miss her." he sighed "our beds are going to feel so empty without her."

jaemin halted his movement, wondering if the words he comprehend were the correct ones. "hey sheep what do you mean by our? you guys and bella don't sleep on the same bed right?"

"of course we don't! bella just sleeps around in all of our beds. depends if she's in the mood." he explained simply

momentarily they were stunned to silence, frozen to the spot until yubin asked another question.

"why is she sleeping with everyone, i thought she was yours?"

"mine? no way, she's so popular and expensive so we all chipped in for her."

"you guys bought her?!"

"it's not like you can find this typa girl on the streets."

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