Duo: A Petite Savior

Start from the beginning

[Not even a sorry? How rude,] the girl thought.

Ina puffed out air in annoyance and walked to the cashier.

[I think that was the elevator guy from yesterday,] she recalled.

Ina paid for her ice cream and walked out of the store.

A few seconds later, the sliding doors opened again and Isaac came out, moving his head to and fro as if searching for something.

"Hey!" he hollered once founding his subject; Ina.

He jogged over to her with an ice cream bar in each hand.

"Hn?" Ina made a confused sound as looked back and fully turned to Isaac.

"Here. As compensation," he simply said and handed her the exact same ice cream she just bought.


"Take it," Isaac insisted while looking into Ina's eyes. She stared back, but her anxiety got ahold of her and she averted her gaze to the ice cream Isaac was holding out.


She hesitantly grabbed the ice cream, then Isaac walked away while efficiently opening his ice cream packet.

[Eh- wha- what just happened?]

Ina looked at Isaac's back, a comically large figurative question mark appearing beside her head.

Her face was of disbelief and confusion.

[Is this his way of apologizing?]

Ina stared at her second ice cream bar and shrugged.

[Free food is free food, I guess.]

Ina started walking back home while eating one of her two ice cream and saved the other one for later.

Isaac bit down on his own and enjoyed the cold bliss inside his mouth.

[....That girl was pretty cute,] he thought, vividly remembering her face.


Isaac walked into his apartment room then locked the door behind him. In his hand was a beer box containing six bottles of beer.

Today is a special day. A day where Isaac can let loose and drink as much as he can.

Tonight is a night of the past and the present. A night of longing and sadness.

He placed the beer box on the coffee table and sat down on his couch.

He turned on the TV and started drinking away.


Ina stood up from her workplace and walked to the living room.

[Hm? Oh, i forgot to close the curtains.]

She looked at two sliding doors that led to a balcony.

She grabbed the curtains and pulled her arms towards each other, but before she could fully close the curtains, she saw a blue of a falling figure.

She gasped and opened the curtains and the glass doors.

Her tentacles expanded from her back and she jumped from the balcony.

Her eyesight never fails her, and without a doubt in her mind, she just saw Isaac Daniel falling.

Her Necronomicon of the Ancient Ones materialized in the air and opened. She cited a spell in a different language and her whole being turned invisible.

Four tentacles clinged onto the wall and four more tentacles rushed to catch the falling Isaac.

She successful caught him and turned him invisible as well.

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