Chapter 54. Recollection

Start from the beginning

The doctor held out the tablet again, showing off a faded blur with light blue streaks in what appeared to be water, "Another reason I'm telling you about Kong, is because he doesn't show any hostility towards humans. As long as we don't intentionally get in his way, he fights for us."

"I feel like there's a but coming," Muramasa crossed his arms, "What is the catch?"

"Well in order to awaken Titans, Monarch studies their history to see which ones are hostile towards everyone, humans and other Titans," Nick tapped the screen, "Well Monarch came to the conclusion that it's okay to use this Titan that doesn't benefit anyone." Nick swiped the picture again, bringing a clearer photo of something long in the depths of the ocean, "Adaine, Monarch says you can take this Titan and use it against the kaiju."

"Are they certain we can send this thing out there?" Adaine held Wataru with a firm grip, "If we send this thing out there with the jaegers, Kiryu and Godzilla, we could have a bigger disaster on our hands."

"Well this thing, Monarch named Tiamat, is hostile to everything that comes close to it. So I would suggest sending this thing first, and if it dies fighting the kaiju, then we lose nothing. Or, we use this hostile Titan to kill the kaiju, and then hold onto it until the next kaiju come."

"Essentially we use that Titan until it's killed," Muramasa questioned, he let out a laugh, "That sounds good to me."

Wataru looked past Adaine to the twins, "Don't you have anything to say about this?"

Both of them sighed, speaking at the same time but catching themselves. They looked at each other before Emi was the one to speak first, "It's a cruel fate," Yumi continued, "For a cruel monster."

Wataru nodded, "Agreed, then again. What makes this thing so cruel? Isn't this thing just acting on instinct or something?"

Nick turned off the tablet, holding it to his side as he scratched his head, "Uh... do you guys know of Atlantis?"

"Somewhat," Muramasa commented.

"Isn't that a made-up place or something?" Wataru asked.

"What does this have to do with Tiamat?" Moto asked, almost instantly realizing where this was going.

Nick chuckled to himself, "Well... Atlantis was real at one point... and Tiamat sank it."

"What?!" the pilots yelled out.

"Monarch isn't completely certain, but through numerous artifacts that were made thousands of years ago, it would seem Tiamat sank Atlantis, or at least was present when it did sink," Nick pulled up the tablet again, "Actually, there are other Titans being considered too dangerous to be kept alive or around. So, for now, you have Tiamat who is currently being tracked and you might have a few other Titans soon, maybe even later today Monarch will contact me again."

Moto cheered, "We have more monsters!"

"We do but we have to take this seriously. If Tiamat fights and kills the... the uuh-" Nick looked to Pentecost, "Did you say what kaiju is next?"

Before Pentecost could respond, the pilots spoke out in a jumbled mess, "We are fighting snakes."

Nick stared at the pilots, almost thinking this was a joke, "You serious?"

"Why would we joke about that?" Mack asked with Gage leaning against his brother, "Is Tiamat a snake?"

"Well, not a snake but a serpent," Nick clarified as the pilots talked amongst themselves.

"Sooo, a snake," Mack said, getting Muramasa to agree with him.

"Alright, so we are fighting two snakes with another freakin' snake!" Wataru sighed, "I hope they all kill each other."

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