Lizzie's hands flew to her mouth as she realized what had happened. She had switched the strollers, so Stiles was out there with a complete stranger.

Change Of View

When Eric had found out that the babies had been switched he and his family started freaking out. So freaked out that they didn't notice that baby Stiles had managed to wiggle out of the stroller and crawl out the doggy door.

Stiles' onesie was dirty with mud covering it, his brown eyes looked around the woods that he had managed to crawl into.

It was strange, he felt more comfortable surrounded by the trees alone than with anybody else except Hope.

Stiles put a hand on a tree, using it to brace himself as he stood up.

In the past several days that he had spent as a baby he would sometimes gain a look of intelligence that seemed too old for a baby to have, or even a teenager.

Stiles' chubby fingers grazed the rough bark as he placed his other hand against it.

He looked at the tree like it was more than just wood and leaves.

Stiles' breathing quickened, his tiny heart starting to beat faster. He started patting the tree, like he was trying to wake it up.

As his heart beat faster, it literally started to glow out of his chest, the orange light trailed down the baby's arms following the trail of his veins all the way down to his little fingers.

Stiles blinked once and his eyes glowed a vibrant orange, as the light flowed into the tree, spreading along the cracks and crevices of the tree.

Change Of View

Hope and Lizzie brought Eric's sister back to his family and when they went to return Stiles, there was only an empty stroller.

"What the hell did you do?" Hope snarled immediately, getting ready to rip somebody's head off.

"I-I don't know," Eric stammered,"He was right there."

Hope started forward, but so did Lizzie, she put a hand on Hope's shoulder and siphoned enough magic to keep the Tribrid from doing something that she'lol probably regret later.

Hope clenched her jaw,"If he is hurt in any way I will rip your head off."

Eric swallowed, and nodded violently.

Soon everyone was looking for a baby wandering the woods.

Change Of View

When Alaric had gotten the call that baby Stiles was lost and it was Lizzie's fault, part of him wasn't that surprised.

The witches were already doing locator spells, but they weren't working, like something was blocking them.

The wolves and vampires were running around the forest, trying to find a scent.

He himself was grabbing his jacket and a flashlight to look at himself when he heard it.

It sounded like something strong and large ripping the ground apart, and it was getting louder, telling him it was heading towards the school.

He looked out the window and his eyes were blown wide at what he saw, after all the years of supernatural crap that he had been through, Malivore, vampires, werewolves, the Devil himself, he had never seen something like this.

He had to crawl out the window to get there fast enough to stop the other students from getting too close.

It was a tree, a literal tree moving towards them with a purpose, the roots going into the ground and pulling itself forward. In the branches it held something that was moving, and laughing as it was passed from one branch to another.

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