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Note: Don't forget: English isn't my first language, so please excuse mistakes! Thank u ♥ _____________________________________

It was a normal schoolday. Like everyday, Shizuo sat alone on the stairs which led up to the roof of his elementary school.
Some students decided to went up on the roof to enjoy their lunch at that place.
Shizuo sighed. He really, really wanted to enjoy his lunch on the roof, too.

But he didn't want to eat alone.
If he would do that, the others may think that he is some stupid idiot, that didn't have any friend.

While he thought about his pitiful fate, two students from the same age-group as him walked on by.
They didn't take a look at him, but Shizuo could hear them mumble.

,,Hey, isn't that Heiwajima-kun?", one of them asked.
The eyes of others got wider.
,,Oh crap! We better eat somewhere else."
Thr first one nodded.
,,Yeah, I don't want to eat with a monster."
In the next moment the two of them ran away as fast as a cheetah.

Shizuo sniffed. They were so right. And it hurt.
,,A monster... That what I hear almost everyday...",
he thought while he hugged his legs tightly.
,,I'm always alone... But sadly I'm actually used to it."
Shizuo tried to brace himself, even though he knew, that he wasn't as strong as he pretended.

Suddenly he heard a cocky voice.
Shizuo looked up and his gaze met the one of a black haired, little boy.
Even his eyes were as crimson as the sunset, he looked kind and somehow...cute.
,,You seem so lonely.", the boy went on as he hold up a small box. Perhaps his lunch box.
,,Would you like to eat
with me?"

Shizuo blushed. His cheeks got an bright red colour while he smiled involuntary.
,,It's first time someone said that to me
...", the brunet thought happily.

,,Yeah...", Shizuo answered after a while.
The raven smiled while he took Shizuos masculine, small hand.
,,Then let's go, Shizu-chan!", he said.

Shizuo looked in the boys eyes. He was incredible happy.

,,I'm finally not alone anymore", was Shizuos thought while the black haired boy dragged him to the roof.

This was the first time of his life; that someone accepted him as the person he is. With all his edges and tics.
And Shizuo is still he happiest man in the world because of his little life saver, who dragged him out of the kloof of desperation.
His beloved Orihara Izaya.

Thank you for reading. This story is my personal childhood!Shizaya headcanon (and btw my first "story" in English) :)
Well yeah, stay awesome! c:

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