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"Mother... Father?..." I ask in my frail voice as I tremble.


Nobody responds, I pull the covers down from my ears and slowly sit up.

{Should I look for them?...}

I breathe a few shaky breaths before taking a deep breath and holding it in as I find the strength to stand up. My covers fall to the bed as I use the wall to help me up. I look to my door through darkness and ponder if I should go out to check for them. After a few seconds I let my hand slide from the wall and fall to my side as I take a step forward. I pause, and then I walk slowly over to the door. I reach out to the handle and place my small hand on it, then I pull at it and slide the door open a few inches.

I peer through the crack and all my eyes come to see is more darkness, then, all of a sudden... A horrid smell hits my nose as a breeze seems to pass by my door... I back up and cup my hands over my nose and mouth with a scared expression in my eyes. My face stays the same and only manages a nervous drop on my small but slightly plump cheeks.

{Is that, blood?... Who's?...}

My eyes begin changing from there normal silvery white with a blend of blue, to a deep but beautiful shade of crimson Red. My vision began to see a sort of red filter over all color, I've never tasted blood before...

My eyes have always change color, but they only change within a few colors. There is a beautiful mix of purples, my original shade, I was told it was possible for them to turn into a shade of pink, deep and light, like the purple. My eyes also turn a shade of all black as well, but only when I feel nothing. That's how everyone in my house could tell what I'm feeling. Since I'm not known to express any facial expressions, at least not often.

   I also came out of my mothers womb covering my ears, the doctors said it could mean I was going to be deaf. But I just chose to pay no attention to their words, emotions, or actions. Only when they seemed distressed or worried for my health. I still did what I was told, but I chose not to speak. Which also arose suspicion of the possibility I might not be able to speak or see, they didn't think I could see because when I came into this world. I opened my eyes almost immediately after I was cleaned and I had whitish and light gray eyes.

   I spoke in full sentences when I was two, they thought I was stupid and treated me differently because of it. Until I spoke, then they were all surprised and seemed amazed. I asked if I could play outside while it was raining. Of course I was told no, but I snuck out in the rain anyways all the time. Being under the gloomy sky while rain poured down gave me a sense of safety and warmth. Something similar to how I felt when I first looked into mother and fathers eyes.

   I grew up with the habit of sleeping with my ears covered, with my hands or the blanket. There was never found to be anything wrong with me, I just did it for no reason to them, so they eventually gave up on trying to prevent it for fear of me causing air to be trapped in my ear. That was their first assumption of why I covered my ears, of course they were wrong, but it's reasonable considering they don't really know me...

   Even to this day, I cover my ears in my sleep. It's become a habit after so long, the real reason I cover my ears... Is because my ears hear almost everything and are sensitive when I sleep because my mind wonders. Whatever I hear turns into a dream, even if it's about words. But it's not all that, it's also because... I hear other people speak... From everywhere... It's usually scary stuff, or sometimes sad... But I've just learned that if I cover my ears, it's in a way conformation and it helps me sleep better. It helps block out all the noise, even if it's only a little bit.

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