II. First Day

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The three boys woke up at 5:30 AM thanks to Eddies alarm. Bill and Stan sent him death glares and he smiled awkwardly at the two. "Sorry." Eddie apologized.

Stan and Bill pulled the covers back over their heads as Eddie climbed down the ladder and changed into his uniform quickly.

He was shocked when he found Richie fully dressed in his uniform and drawing on his bed when he turned his attention the the bunk. "What are you doing? How long have you been awake?"

"Since 2." Richie shrugged, not tearing his gaze away from his paper he drawing on.

Eddie hit him with the book he was holding. "Richie Tozier! Go back to sleep! That is like 3 hours of sleep!"

Richie just rubbed his arm where Eddie had hit him. "I'll pass. Where are you going so early?"

"Library." Richie jumped up when he heard that and stood in-front of Eddie.

Eddie could see him better now that he was out of the darkness of his bottom bunk. His raven hair was messier and flatter than it had been yesterday. He had on a white oxford, a dark blue, white, and black tie, a black vest with a blue trim, and grey dress pants that he paired with black docs. "Well i'm coming." Richie smiled.

Eddie raised an eyebrow at him. "Have you ever read a book in your life."

"Not really, but I can start now. Let's go Eds." Richie stated as he ran out the door.

"Yeah don't call me that." Eddie stated. "Only my dad calls me that and I would like to keep it that way."

Richie just smirked. "How about if you make it to the library first I can't call you it, but if I make it their first I can."

"Oh you are on." Eddie smirked and they both took off. Richie was way ahead of Eddie the whole time. "I HAVE ASTHMA! THIS ISN'T FAIR!" He yelled after Richie who just laughed at him and ran into the library. Eddie groaned and Richie smirked.

"I won so that means I can call you Eds." He stated.

"Yeah yeah fine." Eddie sighed as he walked away to search for a book.

"Any recommendations for me?" Richie asked.

Eddie seemed to think for a moment. "Try The Chronicles of Narnia books. They are good ones to start out with."

Richie nodded and went to the N section, figuring it would be there because everyone just called them the Narnia books. "What's your favorite of these books?"

"Prince Caspian." Eddie shrugged as he too pulled a book off the shelf. "But, don't start with that one. You have to go in order."

"And what's your favorite book of all time?" Richie asked as they sat down at a table.

"Little Women. It's an amazing book, but it's probably far too complicated for your vocabulary.

Richie opened his mouth in offense. "Do you really think i'm that dumb!"

"Yes." Eddie nodded.

Richie rested his feet on the table and let out a sigh. "Okay that's probably true, but i'm not dumb. I just don't really read so I wouldn't know all these fancy words from these books that were wrote in the fucking 1800s."

Eddie stifled a laugh and shook his head. "The first Narnia book was published in 1950 dipshit."

"And when was Little Women published."


"Exactly." Richie stated and he leaned back in his chair. "I'm always right Eds."

"Yeah right." Eddie scoffed in disbelief.

••• ••• •••

Eddie was on his break and he once again was in the library. The Denbrough library was beautiful. Eddie always loved the smell of old books and how safe he felt in libraries so he spent most of his time in them. He had previously been eating lunch and the conversation his friends and him had just had was replaying in his head

"Hey guys, don't you think we should have a group name. You know how in movies there is always this amazing friend group with a cool name. It would be awesome if we could have a cool name. We should all have nicknames too. I think it will make being friends more fun." Stan stated.

Bill smiled at his friend and put an arm around Stan which made the brown eyed boy tense up for a moment. "Stanley over here is right." Bill agreed and Eddie nodded in agreement and took a bite of his sandwich.

"Yeah, but what would we even call each other?" Richie asked.

The three just frowned and shrugged. "Well if someone comes up with an answer you should let us know." Stan stated.

What should we call each other? What do we all have have in common?

Suddenly a slightly chubbier boy with light brown hair plopped down in the seat in front of him, interrupting his thoughts. "Hi." The boy smiled.

"Hey?" Eddie stated, shocked that the boy was sitting in front of him. Usually no one came over to him in libraries.

"I'm Ben Hancsom."

"Eddie Kaspbrak." Eddie stated.

"Watcha reading?"


"Oh cool. I love that book." Ben smiled.

Eddie nodded and gave him a smile. "Oh cool."

He may have seemed like he didn't care, but he did. Someone liked the same book as him and was actually talking to him. He wasn't used to any of this friendship stuff or like the same things stuff because he hadn't had that the whole almost 15 years of his life.

The two talked and laughed for awhile as they talked about many love stories and some horror stories. "Welp I have to get to class, but if you want to go to that huge mall in town this weekend at 3:00 with me and my friends you can."

Eddie nodded and gave him a friendly smile. "Of course. Can my friends come?"

"Of course they can." Ben smiled and Eddie gave him a thumbs up as Ben picked up his stuff. "I look forward to meeting them. Bye Eddie."

"Bye Ben." Eddie smiled before turning on his heel and walking to history.

The rest of his classes went by quickly and before he knew it he was back in his dorm. He quickly took of his shoes and sat down next to his friends who were focused on the round of uno that they were playing. "Hey Eds." Richie stated, not looking up from his cards.

"Hey Rich. Oh yeah this kid I met at the library invited us to hang out with him and his friends this weekend. He is nice."

"Oh cool. I'll come." Bill smiled and the other two nodded in agreement. "Anyone come up with a name yet?"

They all shook their heads.

Words: 1,101

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