Part 12

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She entered the house to find Adam asleep, she smiled when she remembered the kiss, her day was very beautiful

She changed her clothes and then fell asleep, she was smiling and hitting the pillow with happiness every time she thought of the kiss

He was thinking the same thing too

Joo Hyuk woke up the second morning to go to work, his friend Ji Hoon called him to meet him

"What are you doing? I haven’t seen you these days!" he said

"Hey look at me!" Ji Hoon said while holding his face tightly and trying to read his mind

"Are you in love! Is it Sarah?..... Oh dude " Ji Hoon said, Jo Hyuk hit him on the shoulder

"Shut up" he said

"Are you and Sarah really dating?" Ji Hoon said and Joo Hyuk laughed

"Yesterday I confessed to her" he said

"How lucky you are, I bet all women fall in love with you" he said

"I'm going with her today to a restaurant on the ship, what do you think?" Joo Hyuk said

"Hmm, great idea" he said

"oh Really!! then we are going to have dinner in a romantic place, I hope she likes it, now I want to go to work" Joo Hyuk said and went

"you OK?" Adam asked Sarah, who was eating breakfast, looking in front of her, thinking of something

"I feel a strange feeling I've never felt before" she said

"What is this feeling, did Joo Hyuk confess to you?" Adam asked while drinking tea

"waitttt did he do something to you???! I'll kill him if he did!!" Adam got up angrily

"Nooo... Hyuk is fine with me, but now I'm just feeling really bad... It's like there's something waiting for me and my presence is only temporary" she said

She puts her hand on her heart.

"Is this about Joo Hyuk?" he asked and she said no

He sat and rested, Adam at least rested when he knew it wasn't because of Joo Hyuk

"No, I'll be fine" she said with a fake smile

"Listen to me, I'm your brother. Don't be ashamed of me if you feel uncomfortable with Joo Hyuk. I will.." he said.

"No, Adam, it's not about Joo Hyuk, I love him, he didn't hurt me" she said, then gave her a strange look when she said she loved him.

"Do you love him then?" He said

"Adam!" she said, then the phone rang

"Hello Joo Hyuk" She said then Adam looked at her

"Today?" she said, and Adam looked surprised

"I would love it" she said with a smile, then hung up

"What is there?" Adam said

Sarah laughed

"It’s Joo Hyuk saying he’s taking me out for dinner today and on the ship" She said

"Why in a ship?" He said
"I don't know but I like this" she said and got up to go to her room

"Of course everything you like about Joo Hyuk, I don’t understand why you like him so much" He said

She turned
"When you fall in love, you will understand" she said

Today at 6:22pm

Sarah opened the door to find Jo Hyuk standing in front of a black car, which is his mother's car, Sarah went to him, he opened the door for her, Adam was looking at them from the window
Sarah was looking at the beautiful street view then Adam suddenly called Joo Hyuk

"Where are you and what is Sarah doing now? I know the weather isn't that cold but eat inside, do you understand? Also if Sarah gets sick or something happens to her, I will kill you, do you understand?" he said angrily.

"Okayyy don't worry, she's safe with me" He said looking at her admiringly, then she looked at him

"I don't know why I'm so worried, but u know she's the only family that I I have, take care of her, bye now" He hung up and sat on the chair thinking a lot and then drank water, Jo Hyuk was going to open the door for her and then she opened it and she was looking everywhere, he noticed her eyes that were shining, he smiled
He touched her hands and he boarded the ship with her, "Where are we going?" She asked

"The ship will stay here, it's just for the view" he said

They went inside and sat at the table

"I chose this place because it is comfortable, there is no one else but us, and they say they have all the nice food you want!"

He tried to get close to her
"There is a comfortable table outside too" she said

"We will sit on it after eating" he said

After they ordered dinner, they ate a lot

"I am very happy" she said with a smile

"Why?" he asked

"Because I'm with you.....with someone who understands me that's a blessing for me" When she said this sentence he held her hands

"Sarah... I don't want you to be ashamed of me, I want you to know that I'm always with you in the good times and the bad times... I love you so much Sarah, when I saw you I felt love I will always be with you" he said and then kissed her

She smiled, about to cry

"From now on, I want you to write novels with happy ours..... OK! "

"Ok, but.... I’m afraid" She said

"Shhh, don’t say anything,There is no need to be afraid. Today and tomorrow will be alright"He was looking at her with admiration, then remembered that he had to go to the bathroom.

"I'm going to the bathroom" he said and went

She felt like she was going to vomit, so she ran out and threw up in the sea

She was throwing up with her eyes closed and she didn't notice and then slipped

"Joo Hyuk! Adam!" she cried with this sentence,

She was trying to get up, but now she's drowning, she closed her eyes and then opened them as if she was seeing Joo Hyuk upstairs, she closed them and opened them and found nothing.

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